
Do you think spirits eventually lose their energy if they're ignored?

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You know how ..when people die...others say.."we'll keep them alive in our hearts"..Could that be why some spirits come back...and then go away when they're forgotten? Maybe as long as you keep pictures of them around..and pray for them and talk about them.....they stay around? But if they don't see or hear any of these things..they eventually quit trying to make themselves known?Do they get energy from our prayers etc?




  1. yes read this

    its long but it is a story of a fading ghost child

  2. Interesting concept.

    The Egyptians, the Anglo Saxons and various other cultures felt that it was important to remember & record people's names to help them live on.

    The worst form of revenge in Egyptian society was to remove all records & images of the deceased individual.

    One instance of this type of posthumous revenge was committed against the female Egyptian pharaoh Hatshepsut.

  3. I think there's a problem with the premise of your question.  All of the supernatural phenomena that you claim to exist are, by definition, beyond the scope of the observable universe.

    If there were such a thing as a spirit and it did have energy to release, this would certainly be an observable phenomenon.  Then, we would be able to approach your question.  However, science has not yet seen anything that would be compatible with this worldview.

    I think this is a case where a scientific term is usurped for an unscientific purpose.

  4. Deenie, I think this is up to the individual. Some will keep trying, some don't care if you can see them or not, and others will just go away.

  5. Im not sure if they lose their energy, but simply move on else where.....

    They say prayer is one of the most powerful thoughts a person can have...and many have been tested with positive outcomes......

    They say we should pray for the souls that have taken their lives and are stuck in purgatory, to free their souls...God i have many friends there......

  6. That may be true, or maybe they just hang around as long as it takes until their family members  join them.  In Terry Pratchett's book "Small Gods" he says that gods get smaller and less powerful when their number of worshipers shrink.  I think that they do get power from us or our prayers. There have been many proven cases of the power of prayer to effect the recovery of someone who is ill.  That is why so many churches have prayer lists for sick people. As many as 10,000 people may be praying one person on any given day.  Its proven that these people have a faster recovery rate then people not prayed for.

    The ancient Egyptians said that as long as someone speaks your name you never die.  The Celts believed this too.

  7. Energy never dies. So, they will never lose their energy..

    Wow, I read the story in the answer above mine...That is a really interesting story...So i guess spirits can lose something but they never completely go away. Energy can change forms..

  8. Actually, I think they just lose their patience if they're ignored.

  9. it can happen its hard to remain in "limbo" or aka purgatory, but usually theyve got a long time, usually what ends up happening is that something happens, the only reason why a person remains behind is if they have unfinished buissness, or died and still dont realize it, or some other serious matter, eventually the spirit either moves on peacefully or unpeacefully,

  10. Well, I'm not an expert on this by any means, but I really don't think they lose energy. Because I've had a few spirits brought to me by my spirit guides who have been dead for quite a while, one little boy back in the 1700's.

    I tend to think that by keeping pictures around, talking to them, etc, makes more likely to want to let you know they're still around. You are in spirit as you were in life, so the reasons they come back or fade away are going to be as unique as the person themselves, but it could be some of them see your mourning and want to comfort you.

    I know this was true for me, with my father. The first time I really felt and saw a spirit was when he died. I'd gone to their house for the funeral and was sleeping in my brother's room (half brother) when I saw his face and felt his presence on the right side of the bed. He'd died suddenly, had had a bad heart for years, so no one really knew when he was going to actually go, but we all hoped it wouldn't be anytime soon. But he got sick and ended up dying in the hospital. I didn't find out about it until after the fact, so I was pretty broken up about it. I found it very comforting that he showed himself to me.

    Do they get energy from our prayers... you know I don't know? I'm sure they must, but it's not something that sustains them, as in if you don't pray they won't fade away. They ARE energy and it won't go away just b/c it isn't used or something like. They'll always be.

    Anyway, hope that helps. :)

  11. Spirits do come when the prayers of them are of concern, but usually they come to let you know that they were concern and to let you know that they are okay and in a good place.

    Spirit need energy to manifest themselves to where you can see them, they gain their energy source from any electrical source around them, even from batteries in a radio. I notice that here one night when only the computer would shut down twice. And days before that my phone next to where I slept...there was like an interference...sound of static from the phone, and usually cold spots where the spirit gains the energy from the air around it.

    There's good and bad spirits, and yes some do become stronger if we allow them to.

    I only had one bad spirit, I am still amazed on how I got rid of it. it harass my son while he was a sleep, I was on the computer when I heard my son making noises in his sleep. Then it came into the room where I was, and spoke this..."woooo ooo oo" I didn't know what to do, I took it left, nothing more happened that night. It came again to harass, one night it yanked on my blanket so hard it moved my body around, I kept asking for it's name as I was waking up, but it wouldn't answer me, and must of left. Another night it came back at the wrong time, I never thought this was possible....I had a OBE my spirit astral projected, I saw him. Now it's spirit to spirit, I grabbed him, threw and held him to the floor. I yelled out,"Someone get me a cross" Someone handed me a brass cross with Jesus on it, it looked like the one hanging on the wall in my sons room. I believe it was my spirit guide since she was coming to me a lot at that time. I put the cross on his head and burned him till he screamed out.....well that was almost a year ago, he has not came back since. He wanted attention, I gave it to me, my spirit seen to knew what to do. I guess I didn't give him to much time to get stronger:)

    It must of been a demon, I think you can only burn a demon like that. If it was a ghost, I don't think it would burn him like that. Ghost don't realize that their dead, they are basically spirit trapped in our lower dimension. They are basically the same type person that they were when alive, having a good or bad spirit. But demons can change to appear to be of the light, and usually they will show up, especially if there is good spirits coming around to you, to confuse you.....

    So yes they can become stronger if you allow them to.

  12. No, I don't believe they lose energy.  I believe they go on to  different levels of existence.  I believe they hang around for a time after death, to look in on their loved ones.  I suspect as we learn to accept their departure, we feel like we've lost touch.  You can, however, bring them back for a visit by thinking or calling out to them.  Prayer is always a good vibration.

  13. Yes they do, but not in the sense that you are saying it. Spirits are perceived if there are people around who expect to see them, because expectation + power of suggestion = perception.  Otherwise, no, they don't appear. There isn't good evidence to suppose that the appearance of spirits or ghosts is actually due to the existence of spirit entities instead of being merely figments of illusion, fear and compromised visual perception.

  14. Some might say that spirits won't exist at all unless someone pays attention to them.  It's possible people perceive a spirit exactly because they are thinking of that person or, in the event of strong suggestion, the general idea of spirits.

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