
Do you think stereotypes are true?

by  |  earlier

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and when you meet someone do you try to be open or tend to be judgemental(being judgemental i think can sometimes be subconcious)




  1. Stereotyping...absolutely I think all people do it consciously or not  ....according to the  Briggs\Myers personality indicator there are 16 personality types...and we all fit one type  with maybe shades of another...if you know what to look for you can tell which type of person your dealing with...very handy....


  2. Although Steriotyping exhist, I don't believe they are true. People either steriotype out of fear or it's they way they have been brought up. I believe in getting to know the person no matter who they are or of what race they are. Everybody's different but they are still human beings.

  3. i try to be open, but even after i meet the, i put them in a group and stereotype them. because most of the time, stereotypes are true.

  4. Stereotypes are absolutely justified. They exist for a reason. If they weren't true then they wouldn't persist. Then, they would serve no purpose in society and would cease to be. Certain aspects of stereotypes ring true eternally. People didn't just sit around and say "I'm going to make up a stereotype today". They exist because of countless instances of a certain behavior over and over and over again.

    I try to be open minded, but sadly enough I find shades of stereotypes in people later on... which reinforces that they exist for a reason.

  5. i think stereotypes come from some truth  but they are just blown out of proportion. of course i judge people immediately but im still open and wont treat any differently  

  6. no they are completely wrong because it is just a way to categorize people because we unknowingly categorize most of our lives

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