
Do you think store workers or mangers steal items?

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Like at a video game store before a game comes out or at a movie store......just interesting




  1. Some might. Most don't.

    By the time you get promoted to manager level, it's assumed you have some ethics and morals.

  2. It doesn't matter where the workplace is, there will always be employees and managers that steal. Employees tend to steal smaller, such as taking home office supplies, taking home food (like if it's a restaurant), snagging a tool or two, etc. Some employees even steal accidentally, such as having supplies in their pockets and forgetting to take it out and keep it at work. When they get home and realize it, they don't bother to bring it back to work though.

    If managers steal, they tend to go bigger, such as embezzlement or giving themselves a great price on furniture / that returned riding lawnmower, and then fixing the books to cover it up.

    My wife worked at a furniture store where the lady that did the books and the store manager were having an affair and they would fix the books so they could write checks to people that didn't exist and cash them. They'd  also open accounts to fictitious people, sell them stuff, and then upon non-payment they'd start collections procedures on them until finally charging the account off.

  3. Yes but certainly not all or even most.

    I don't think so but who knows.

  4. I am certain every worker has impeccable morals...well, not certain.

    Of course there is theft. Ever hear of Enron? Sometimes the very top dogs with more money than they could ever spend will cheat the company (in fact, just as often as the lower paid jobs, but the big guys tend to go big too).

    However, it is not an excuse for behaving unethically yourself. The old "everyonelse does it" excuse does not hold water in court, nor with most higher beings (as far as I have heard humans discussing the beliefs of higher beings). So don't do it- or at least don't get caught.

  5. A good portion of all retail shrink is internal (done by employees) and most of the internal shrink is done by managers.

    I worked for a store that had 6 managers.  Three of them were best friends.  We always scheduled at least two managers to close each evening but it was not uncommon for two of the buddies to be closing together.  We finally figured out that they were letting all of the associates leave and staying late themselves, claiming they had to recount the deposit or that there was some other issue.  As soon as the workers left, the buddy managers would start hauling merchandise out to their cars.  After we fired them, we did an inventory and we were missing a LOT of stuff thanks to them.  Probably close to $100,000 in merchandise.  The store bankrupted not too long after than.

    I also worked at a cd store that would buy used cds/dvds.  When someone would come in with a stack of cds that had just come out that morning, we would try to chat him up, find out where he worked, where he got all of these early copies, etc.  We had a guy come in once in his WalMart vest with 5 copies each of 10 titles that were scheduled to hit the shelves the next day.  We got his driver's license info (required to sell us stuff) and he told us which store he worked at.  (Dumb kid!)  We purchased one copy of each as evidence and then called his boss as soon as he left to report a likely theft.  CD stores get used to dealing with a lot of employee theft.  I had one employee taken out by the police in front of a store full of customers once after we had proven that he had stolen hundreds of cds from us.  It was just sad.

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