
Do you think strong personal opinions should be allowed on this site? ?

by Guest61523  |  earlier

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Should people be allowed to engage in vigorous debate on Answers, or should they be censored out because there might be some people who are offended by those with strong opinions?




  1. I tell you what - I wish Yahoo would come up with "Yahoo Debate" because technically you aren't supposed to "chat" on YA (how they determine that is beyond me)  

  2. I don't think this is an effective forum for debate, to be honest.

    I'd prefer it to keep it to those who want a sincere answer to a sincere question.

  3. Absolutely!  To both positions!  Positively!  I'd defend both pov's to the death! And so on...

  4. How would you censor it?

  5. Strong personal opinions should not only be allowed, but they should be encouraged...too bad the whiny politically correct crowd does everything in their power to stifle free speech.

  6. It depends on the section.  Certain sections like Politics and Government and Religion and Spirituality are based on personal opinions.  It would be dishonest to censor people with strong opinions in those areas.

  7. People are a little too thin skinned nowadays. Some of the younger ones talk about free speech and they can say what they want too, but if someone say something they don't like it's racial descrimination, or insulting, or whatever. They need to get a grip. If you can't take it, don't dish it out. (And you don't need to swear to make your point

  8. Yes... If you are easily offended, get some help. I think that it is way more  important to be able to exercise the right to free speech than to worry about the softees.

  9. censorship is for commies.

  10. I could care less if people are offended.  I've got news for those types:  you live on a planet with 6 billion other people, chances are you are going to be offended a few times in your life.  Do yourself a favor and get over it.

  11. As there is a fine line between genius and madness

    there also is a fine line between

    Having a strong opinion and

    being a loud jerk that you cannot reason with.

    nuff said

  12. Absolutely. People should be allowed to voice and defend their opinions on any matter including ones that stir up a lot of conflict. It's good for people to know what they're fighting for and why their fighting for it. Allowing people to debate over these topics will show everyone who the fools are and who  and maybe help someone choose a side if they can't make up their minds on a certain matter.  

  13. How?

    With ghostly hear-say from the graveyards of failures and horrors of the past with self lack of knowledge?

    In ghostly kitchen's dialect with ghostly and deadly words?

    Or with commandments of the "Golden words" in one new universal language and one speech in living words?

    Luke 6.39-40,41-45,46-49

    What do you think?

  14. maybe

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