
Do you think submission wrestling should be an Olympic event?

by Guest62706  |  earlier

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Like there used to be pankration. And it used to be on the Olympics. So why not make subs Olympic. Judo is olympic.




  1. I would love to see that day come to pass.  But I'm biased.

  2. Jim Arvinitis, the founder of Modern Pankration,  tried to bring pankration to the Olympic games in Athens in 2004, but he and his supporters were unsuccessful in attracting sponsors. It would be great to see Pankration return to the Olympic games since it was the original event featured in the ancient Greek Olympic games.

  3. Judo has been compared to wrestling. They're very similar.

    Anyway, I thought Wrestling was an Olympic sport?

  4. Many matches are won in JUDO olympics by submission and in graeco roman wrestling .The throws just have more audience appeal.

    BJJ unless they were really good would be boring no one wants to spend hours watching 2 guys who look like they are trying to undress each other.

  5. MMA should be an olympic event.

  6. yes, I would love to see some BJJ in the olympics.

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