
Do you think summers in Ireland are a thing of the past?

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The weather here is every bit as bad as last summer.




  1. Yup, that's for sure!!


  2. Morning Elizabeth-  yes our summers have disappeared- i checked metcheck for my county for the next few weeks and its rain followed by more rain followed by more rain- its soo depressing - am in south west and it is cold and overcast this morning :(

  3. oh defo.... just aswell im heaing off on hols. we only usually get a week of sun, and thats our summer!

  4. No - certainly not.

    We may need to re-assess if July and August are the best months to have Summer holidays - May and June appear to be improving in terms of sunshine.

    We also need to change our mindsets a bit - rain is not always bad and a good raincoat and pair of boots can get you out there onto the roads and fields of the country.

  5. Yep...same as the rest of Britain...rain, rain, rain all weekend!

  6. Yeah :(

    Whenever I was young I remember the school summer holidays and the weather was always great, the summers were so long and we all used to have our paddling pools out in the back garden and have water fights. Now we are halfway through the summer and it is a complete washout just like it was last year :(

  7. no.

  8. it's not just Ireland, the weather here is abysmal, and apart from one or two days it has been all summer. I'm in Liverpool by the way.

  9. Hi,yes hot summer days and warm nights for a long period of time  are certainly a thing of the pass here in the UK or Eire.Of course you will get 1 or 2 days of summer but you know it will all end in rain. Whats even more depressing is that its not just summer that has changed but all our seasons.To give you an example ,i live in Somerset (well someone has to lol) its july 8th an i have holly berries on my holly tree.Crazy thats what sums up our weather.

  10. Well they are definitely a thing of the past here........

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