I've read news about father and son with magnetic abilities in their bodies.
I've heard that some could hear or see spirits.
Some can see the future (dunno bout that)...
I can tell that a television is on from upstairs or from a room (eventhough it is mute). I think i can hear sounds that are low in frequency in which only dogs and animals could hear.
And sometimes, when i dream of something, it'll turn out to be related to something on the next day
Say i met 2 of my high school classmates in my dream, which i haven't seen them for quite a while, the next day, i get replies and comments from them on a blog. Kinda freaky to be said as coincidence.
But it happens more to places.
like i'm in a place (or saw a place on tv) that i've never seen/visited but there appears to be a strong deja vu feeling in me because that place appeared in my dream before (sometimes in few years back)
Any stories to tell? ( no scary ones please)