
Do you think susan attkins should be set free for a murder from the manson family?

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i see how shes really changed now but she also know that what she did was very wrong and evil and she doesnt have any justification about what she did




  1. No that wouldn't be fair to the family of the person that was killed

  2. why? no i dont think so. i dont care how reformed you are. if you kill someone and get caught, you go to jail and in some cases die.

  3. no...i definately believe she should pay for the horrific crimes she committed by spending the rest of her life in prison. why should she be given the right to life when she took that right away from all the people she killed??

  4. No.

  5. NO and h**l NO

  6. Why not?  It's not like in her condition now she is going to creepy crawl all over again.  She has done enough time, I think, more than a life sentence.  In Canada, that is either 20 or 25 years, I think she has done 37 or 38 years.  Let her go, let her die somewhere other than a jail cell.  There are worse people than her roaming free.  For eg. George Bush is free, d**k Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld are free.  Think how many countless children, and other civilians are dead because of them, and they continue to have respect and freedom. How is their killing more noble than Atkins' work?  Is it because she was hands-on that she is more culpable?

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