
Do you think swimming is a talent or a skill you acquire?

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do you think people are born as good swimmers or can be acquired through practice and hard work?




  1. Both. You can be given the genes to make you tall and muscular which help in swimming, but technique comes with practice.

    You have to have hard work and practice a lot so that you can get the right technique. You might be born with the power, but you need to work on the skill.

  2. Some people are born but if you try and practise you can equel them

  3. It can be either.

    My dad swam for great britan and my mum for wales.

    I swim now and are 1st in wales so it can be either a talet or a skilled that is accuired through hard work.

    It is not passed on through your blood!

  4. I think swimming is a little bit of both. You can be born a naturally good swimmer, but you can also train to be a swimmer. if you do both you're lucky

  5. I reckon its a bit of both. I have this kid in my school who kicks a*** but she neva trains but theres this other kid that trains all the time. i would train.

  6. its both you can acquire it through hard work but also it can be a talent as people who swim in the olympics have a talent at it as you cant get that good just with hard work

  7. I Think its a Bit of Both.

    Because it's true in both ways.

    Some people just are really good swimmers.

    Otherwise have to work hard at it.

    But its the same with all sports.

    Some are good by nature some have to try really hard.

  8. i think it's a skill u acquire..but, sometimes u need a little bit of talent to be a good swimmer

  9. you have to have talent and have lots o practice too be surperb.

  10. Have you ever seen an infant swim?  I think it is an innate ability we all have.  As an adult, I'm a lousy swimmer but great underwater...go figure!

  11. it's a skill to be learned for sure and hard work highlights this skill,  I am a former US champion and the fact that I am six feet tall was not skill or talent, but it sure made a difference!

  12. skill you acquire. I believe every one can learn no matter what there age to swim.

  13. It is a bit of both but some people just have 'IT', I was a national champion swimmer and represented my country but no matter how hard I trained or anything I did I would never have been as good as someone like Micheal Phelps (well most people wouldn't), he could go easy against me going hard and still wipe the floor with me, thats a natural talent

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