
Do you think tans suite brunettes or blondes more?

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Blondes oringinally come from up north (scandinavian countries mostly) and there tends to be alot of dark people down south like the meditteranean where it's warm so they are usually tanned but I just wanna know what you think? I'm talking about females btw




  1. Brunettes. But blondes can pull it off too.

  2. well I'm blonde and go tanning. I think it depends mostly what color your skin turns. Some girls have a really dark pretty tan while others can get an orange tan. I think the blonde tan is really pretty, unless you make it look trashy. Then brunettes look really pretty with it too. I think almost everyone looks better with a tan no matter what hair color though.

    I just think it's really mean that some girls are judging blondes for having a tan.. A TAN! what a put down. Judging is a terrible thing to do.

  3. brunettes. If I see a blonde tan person they usually end up looking kind of trampish. Especially if they dyed their hair you can tell because their skin makes their hair look even more bleached.  

  4. Blondes!

    and no when blondes are tan it does not look fake and S****y thank-you very much!

    i am blonde and i am out doing water sports and at the beach all the time and my boyfriend loves my tan!

    being pale is boring and just looks ugly!

    beachy blonde hair and a tan=s**y!

  5. Brunettes, blondes look too fake :P

  6. brunettes obviously

    when blondes have tans it looks fake and S****y

  7. Brunettes!

  8. Brunettes

    on blondes it just looks fake

  9. Well im extremely blonde and i think i look better tan, but not REALLY tan like eww those girls from sunset tan (a tv show). Way too tan makes blonde girls look like fake barbie dolls. ANd yah brunettes look OK but blondes do it better. everyone knows thats how we roll. ;]

  10. i think it looks better on blondes because it brings out there hair color, where for brunettes it only makes us look like we're from a different country.

  11. brunetttes.dur

  12. brunettes are better to tan

  13. nobody, tan looks gross on everyone!!!

  14. i think tans look good on either brunettes or blondes. really, all depending on how dark you are or your tan is. but redheads.. definitely the pale look better! lol.

  15. I think blondes suit a tan more cos brunette look pretty when there pale

  16. When it's natural it looks good on anyone. I'm blonde and I spend a lot of time in the sun so i'm pretty tan. I'm fairly sure it doesn't look "S****y."  

  17. A blonde needs a tan way more. Brunettes are HOT no matter what their skin color is. A blonde needs all the help she can get. Then she can have that whole fake looking, p**n star look about her & men will ask her out cuz they know she is easy.

  18. well really brunettes obviously suit tans more than blondes, because they have darker coloured hair, but blondes do suit tans too, nothing too dark though, then they would look abit wierd.

    blondes with tans are pretty, so are brunettes.

    really to me, they suit 'em both.

    but blondes with VERY dark tans does look abit wierd.


  19. I think a tan looks good on everyone. Here in Florida, everyone has a tan, whether they are red hair, black haired, brunette, or blond.

  20. Brunettes tend to look better, but it really depends on the overall color of the hair(highlights, shade, ect.).

  21. Brunettes, because when a blonde tans she looks hheecka plastic!

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