
Do you think teaching is a stressful career?

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This question goes out to teachers or people who used to teach. Do you feel that public school teaching or even private school teaching is a very stressful career compared to other professions? My experience has been with special education and I think some of the demands are getting ridiculus. Please give me your thoughts.




  1. I've taught for 17 years.  I find it very stressful but also very rewarding.

    I guess I think the rewards outweigh the stress because I'm still going strong.

  2. Yes, teaching is a stressful career.  Compared to other professionals, teachers do not make much money, landing just above social workers on the pay scale.  They do not get as much vacation time as people often presume because a great deal of "vacation" time is spent lesson planning and grading (depending on the dedication of the teacher that is).  

    I have found that private school tends to be the less stressful of the two because there is a higher level of parental involvement, usually resulting in better student behavior on the whole.  However, with that parental involvement comes higher-- crazy higher-- parental expectations.  When it comes to private school, parents can be a pain!  They want to get their money's worth, and that often equates to demanding the impossible from teachers.  

    From talking with other teachers, special education appears to be the most emotionally and physically challenging of all teaching positions.  Several years ago, I substituted for a special ed. teacher.  I was completely exhuasted and knew that I did not have what it takes to be a special ed. teacher-- I truly commend those who do.  It takes an astounding level of patience and compassion.

    Again, teaching is stressful-- especially special education.  However, I LOVE my job as an English teacher.  It sounds cliche, but teaching truly is one of the most rewarding and fun careers one can choose.  I wish you the best of luck.

  3. The definition of stress is: A mentally or emotionally disruptive or upsetting condition occurring in response to adverse external influences and capable of affecting physical health, usually characterized by increased heart rate, a rise in blood pressure, muscular tension, irritability, and depression.

    Throughout the course of the week you will experience one of these symptoms of stress being a teacher. Whether it is from the students, the parents, coworkers, administration, or lack of preparation time, you are going to experience stress.

    I wouldn't say that teaching is more stressful than other professions because there are so many rewards in the profession. I enjoy waking every morning to teach my students regardless if they were on my nerves the day before. My motto is everyday is a brand new day and every student deserves to learn.

  4. of course it is

    not only do you have to worry about student's grades (what they will say when they get a bad grade), cheating occurring

    but other things as well , lies could be told about you or could lose your job

  5. Of course teaching is a stressful career.  I have been teaching for 8 years now and find that it is actually becoming more challenging rather than less because of increasing standards and expectations along with decreasing support.  

    Teaching is not an 8 -3 job with 3 months off in the summer.  To do this job well is a huge investment of time both in the classroom and at home in the evenings.  I am not sure why people believe that we have it so easy.  Plus, the comment by one of the other responders about being well paid???  Not when compared to other professionals with my level of education.  

    Now, with that being said, it is completely worth it!

  6. yes, and for you special educators, it's worse; and I completely agree - some of the paperwork you're required to do is ridiculous!  The board of education should hire one or two people PER SCHOOL to do all of the paperwork so the special education teachers can TEACH (especially around IEP time)!

  7. Well I'm not a teacher but my brother is a college professor, but I hope I can help you out with this question:

    It really depends on what level you teach. I think teaching teens would be the most difficult because you have to be able to discipline, and at the high school level you worry about absences, grading homework, etc.

    Teaching at a college, however, is probably much easier because you don't have to worry about disciplining your students, and you aren't required to administer homework. Everything is in your hands. The only thing is you'd have to get at least a master's degree, and a lot of people would rather not go through so many years of school.

    On the whole, though, I believe teaching is probably one of the best professions to get into because not only do you get paid better than most, but you also get A LOT of vacation time (summer, winter, holidays etc.)

    Hope this helps!

  8. Special education would probably be more stressful than most, but in general, education is one of the less stressful careers.

  9. yep been in the business like forever- a team leader and head of math before the age of 30 and its great but u are always juggling your emotions and pushign yrself further cos yr a perfectionist and want to save the world!!!!

      my elementary teacher when i was  a kid got burn out and had a mental breakdown at a pretty young age.

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