
Do you think teenagers are "too old for toys"?

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Teenagers these days think they are so grown. All they want is a new laptop, cell phone, ipod, playstation, clothes, money..etc

Then when they hit 16 or 17, they want a spanking new car.

When were the days when teen boys were still playing with action figures and teen girls were playing with barbie dolls?




  1. i think teens is such a wide range of age, like if someone just turned 13 and they were slowly gravitating out of the action figure thing then that is different than an almost 20 year old...

    but i think a really big factor in this is the media and marketing who target teenagers for more exensive, more adult like products than before, and the manufacturers of barbie dolls don't even bother creating commercials for a 17 year old audience....which causes a cycle of teens getting cell phones etc which makes other teens want to do that because it's the "cool thing".

  2. I've never heard of teen girls who played with barbies or teen boys who played with action figures. I'm almost 17 and I find enjoyment in coloring and playing with Moon Sand. But I would still love a car...

  3. actually yes i think teenagers are too old for toys and video games.

    teenagers are ppl who are about to be a fully grown humans...adults.

    so i think it's better for them to observe and learn how to act like adults.

  4. Whats your question like...?

    And I'm 13 and I Already have a cellphone for 4 years now, an Ipod clothes{get new cloths ever month} and money{get it all the time when ever I ask}, and I'm getting a lap top on the 29th my birthday I'll be turning 14.

  5. i am twelve and barbies dont amuse me. they havent for several years.

    of course were too old for toys. i have a cell, and i had and ipod(someone stole it), because my mom realizes that i dont play with toys.

  6. I know from experience that I just lost interest. They just weren't as fun as they used to be. Boys on the other hand never grow up and still like toys no matter how old that they are.  

  7. lol when i hit like 13 years old (5 years ago now) you were considered too old for toys...

    i don't think teens have ever played with dolls and action figures past like 14 years old...

    i mean c**p... by the time you're 14 you're in high school...... soo yeah.... high schoolers have more important stuff like sports and their classes to worry about rather than playing with toys.

    iPods or any mp3 player are very common. you can't tell me when you were younger you didn't have a portable cd player or a walkman... i think i got my first cd player when i was 5 maybe.... all an iPod is, is a high tech, smaller cd player.

    so in conclusion, yes, i think teenagers are too old for dolls.

  8. Actually, if you haven't noticed, a good percentage of us don't just go around asking for iPods and laptops and money. Many of us get summer jobs and we pay for things ourselves.

    And about the barbies: it's no fun anymore. I don't find it fun AT ALL to go around with some plastic doll and make her a little house and oh, she should wear the really ugly shirt with the puppy dogs on it. No, we don't play with barbies anymore. My mom didn't play with barbies at 14, and I get the feeling you didn't either. If you did, I'm wondering how many friends you had.

    Times are changing; get a grip. I'm not expecting a car at 16, and most everybody I know isn't either. It's sort of how we were raised that we grew up faster. Our parents had to work late, meaning we had to find activities to do on our own after school. We stayed home alone at a younger age than I think you probably had to.

    But honestly, barbie dolls are for little kids. I don't find them fun. I'd rather just talk with my friends, which I think parents should appreciate because it costs a whole lot less than a doll. And it is so much more fun to be social.

    Sorry about the lengthy answer, but /seriously/, we're not 2.

  9.     i think that teens are too old for barbie dolls and action figures,you mature when u get older

  10. times have changed

    me and my parents were talking about this 2 days ago

    i asked them what they did when they was younger

    they said that they didn't have toys like they do now and that

    kids were more active and didn't stay in the house all day, then again my parents grew up a long time ago, supposedly when 1.00 was considered a lot of money

    now if you asked me what i did when i was younger (I'm still a kid)

    but i would say i was a barbie fanatic, and i loved teddy bears

    when i turned 13 i started wanting electronic devices

    such as cell phones, computers, and all that stuff

    that's the new trend and how people live these days

    (not all but some)

    & now i'm turning sixteen in a few months and yes i do want a car & a sweet sixteen

    so i guess your kinda right


  11. =)) One day our teacher asked us "if we could be a toy what toy would we be" and I said I would be a d***o! of course my mom had to come to school after this.... :|

  12. I'm 17 and i've never asked for a brand new car. I was lucky because my Dad gave me his 2000 Sunfire GT when he got a new one.  So I guess I have a newer car but I never demanded that someone buy me or give me a car. That's what you call a spoiled little brat.

    I earn my own money, I now pay my cell phone bill, sometimes I buy my own clothes. Sometimes Dad will give me the money back for them. If I spent a lot, he usually gives me some back which I certainly don't expect back and I don't even want the money back.

    When I got my mp3 player it was a gift.

    But I certainly understand your point, I know people where everything is given to them. I will admit I used to have a lot given to me but once I got pregnant, I became a lot more independant and it makes me feel better when I buy my own things.

  13. i dont' think there was a time when 16 year olds got together to play barbie or action figures.

    there comes a point in your life where its not fun.  there is no magic in it no more.

  14. Sorry, but I don't think 16-year-olds ever played with dolls and action figures. At that age, teenagers usually spent time outside walking around or piano lessons, tennis, etc.

    Personally, I think it's a perfect age for kids to get some hobbies. However, if their hobbies include the use of laptop, why not. For example, my brother like to do picture slide shows. He made a wonderful slide show of my wedding pictures that would cost me more than $1000 if I ordered it from a professional.

    If you have a teenage son or daughter, try to find them a hobby they will like. How about swimming (Olympics should really motivate them now)? Guitar lessons (maybe even joining a band - church band, for example). Maybe they'll volunteer at the local hospital (if they want to be in a medical field when they grow up)?

  15. Even when the the Phrase "teen ager" came out in the 50's, 14 to 18 were considered too old to be playing with toys. Now adays with technology, teenagers just have more grown-up seeming things to do and "play" with. No one passed the age of 13 wants to play with Barbies and action figures, let alone someone finding out if they do.

  16. yes of course they are..

    its called GROWING UP AND OUT.

    we want the new trends,

    teenagers want to be out with friends,

    driving about in cars..

    what do you want us to do?

    sit in twiddling our thumbs with a barbie.

    no think ill pass.

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