
Do you think teenagers smoke cigarettes too be cool or because they want to?

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i have had my time with smoking cigarettes but its lame i liked it for awhile but once you hear about all the reasons why its bad..... you cant help but stop...i think the reason why i started was because of all my friends..but I'm i guess my question is do the teenager youth smoke to be cool or that they want to??




  1. all sorts of reasons.

    stress at home.

    peer pressure.


    its  a shame really.

  2. I'm smoking a cigarette right now.

  3. I also think they do it because supposedly its cool and dont see nothing cool about it.

  4. Well it depends,

    some kids only do it to be cool and all.

    others might just to it to get ready to do drugs because they have problems,

    sometimes others just want to try it and just enjoy it.

  5. Both

  6. Because they think it's cool and their friends are doing it..!

  7. They do it for both, but there is also something else that is thrown into the mix as well... sometimes, they want to be rebellious. I had a friend who was offered a cigarette by a very attractive french guy and she accepted because: a) he was VERY attractive and b) she loved all the comments that she was getting from the rest of our group like, "oh, I didn't know that you smoke!" or "you smoke?!?! You're such a rebel..." things like that. She ate it right up. She loved getting comments like that. So I think that it's more that they want to be rebellious, which would lead to people perceiving them as cool in their own head. It's more for attention than anything else.

  8. im 15... curiosity

    i would actually rather smoke pot than ciggretts

  9. Because they think its cool and because the "Cool" kids are doing it.

  10. Most ppl do it to be cool, but it is NOT cool to die, so idk y they do it/y you do it

  11. I wouldn't say it's to be "cool," but it is certainly to fit in with a group, not because they particularly enjoy the taste of tobacco or the buzz.

    Unlike in the recent past when (largely because of Hollywood) smoking was considered cool, urbane, and sophisticated, a stigma has descended on smoking.

    With new anti smoking laws, regulations on advertising, publication of information against smoking, etc. the vast majority of people find heavy smoking repulsive and recreational smoking unnecessary.

    It has become much more socially acceptable to smoke pot (illegal for all ages) than it is to smoke tobacco (legal if you're over 14). Try to remember the last mainstream movie where the main character always had a cigarette in his hands. Now try to remember Pineapple Express.

    However, though no longer "cool," smoking is still a must in a variety of high school's myriad counter cultures. Therefor, kids either smoke to maintain/get friends, or because they're already addicted.

  12. To be accepted by certain cliques. get back at parents. I respect those that are not followers,dance to the beat of your own drum.

    Good for you for quitting, now you really are cool...

  13. It is not to be cool. They do it because they enjoy it. Smoking is enjoyable, as you know. But it also makes you feel cool, so that is a bonus of sorts.

  14. I think kids start out of curiosity or because their friends are. Then they get the hang of it and start to like it, that at least is what happened to me after I'd smoked a few packs. Eventually, they get addicted and can't stop.

    Not everyone has the receptor sites that react to nicotine. If you didn't like it or get addicted to it, it may be because you don't have the genes for those receptor sites. So you'll never really know why people smoke, but you'll never get addicted to it either! Or you may just not have done it long enough to get the effect. Which, of course, is all for the good.

  15. both .... sometimes it depends ..

    Plz anweser mine id really appreciate it ..thank you;...

  16. Its based on peers if your peers do it you do it

  17. To be cool.  That is why I started.  Who the h**l wants to smoke (when they're not addicted)?  Peer pressure is a *****.

  18. According to the media, smoking is cool. The majority of smoking teens smoke because they think its cool and they see other teens do it, so they automatically are cool. But other smoking teens try it and become addicted and maybe get to abusing it. Other smoking teens just smoke because they want to. Lots tend to have problems in their lives and say "you know what f*** this s***" and smoke to drain theirs miseries. Or have what you call a "happy smoke."

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