
Do you think teens should have the right to express them selves?

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im 17 years old and i want to get my lip pierced im not emo or Gothic i don't do drugs i don't drink nor any kind of partying. I want to get my lip pireced just becuz i think its me. And my mom said since i was 17 i could but theres something else to this

Me and my boyfriend have been together for 2 years in december and he said if i got it done he'd leave me he thinks im a redneck and i shouldn't get it done...




  1. I think that everyone has a right to express themselves within reason. If you are 100% sure that a lip ring is what you want to do and you have permission from your mother then why are letting your boyfriend dictate the way your body looks? If your boyfriend truly loves you he will accept you no matter what additions you choose to make to your body. What does being a redneck have to do with a lip ring? You are you and if a lip ring helps you to better express your self then no one can tell you not to do it. Also if you allow your boyfriend to dictate what you do now then it will only open the door for him to try and dictate every aspect of your life. It sounds like loosing him wouldn't be the worst thing that could happen.  

  2. he is a t**t thats all i can say if he loves you for who you are then he wouldnt care if you had all your face pierced thats harsh ..x

  3. What does this tell you about your boyfriend?  Unless you are harming yourself, you have the right to do what you want with your own body.  Apparently he does not agree.  If he stuck around for 2 years, he could be just testing the limits; maybe if you go ahead and do it he will back down.  But if he is willing to break up with you over something like this, he is not very committed.  

    You're old enough to not let anyone else dictate how you should look.  Go ahead and express yourself!  

  4. your bf is a t**t no offence

    i personally wouldnt get my lip done , i dont think it looks very attractive but at 17 in england your pretty much an adult so you can do what ever u want so its up to you.

  5. Everyone has a right to express themselves. Specifically regarding teenagers, how they do it is between them and their parents.

    If you want to get a piercing, that's your choice. However, you can't fault your boyfriend for not wanting to date someone who has one. That's just as much his right as it is yours.

  6. First of need to forget your boyfriend....he does not win any good character points in my book.

    Teens do have a right to express themselves but your parents are paying your bills.  You might want to discuss the reason you want to do this.   I think if you attempt to discuss this  in an adult manner, your parents might see you as an adult with your own opinions and wishes.

    Do you really want to pierce your lip?  As a parent, my advice would be to really think if this is something you definitely want to do or if you are just doing it to attract attention.  Just something to think about.

  7. Go for it.  I think it's important for EVERYONE to express themselves (within reason, of course - shooting rampages do not count), regardless of their age.

    If your boyfriend is going to leave you for that, you don't need him.  Find a new one.

  8. Do whatever you want. I want to look like a dog, so, I turned my avatar into a dog.

  9. YOU own your body, mind and soul not anyone else. This guy wants control and you can't let him have it. Some things you compromise on in a relationship, but your body is your business only (other than mom since your a minor). If you let him control you with this decision what will he try to control next? It's called emotional blackmail.

  10. why are u going to let your bf tell u what u can and cannot do. he should respect your choices that you make if he really cares about u and accecpt you no matter how you are. getting a lip pierced doesnt make you a redneck. sleeping with your brother does. tell him hes an idiot.

  11. Okay--Well first you have the right to do whatever you choose to do. If your boyfriend doesnt support you no matter what then he isnt a very good boyfriend to begin with.

    If its something that you really want to do..Your boyfriend should understand that.  

  12. Yes.

    But body piercing or makeup or clothes are not expressing yourself. They're just shortcuts so you don't have to bother.

    If you want to express yourself, express yourself, using words. If you want to have your lip pierced, have your lip pierced. Don't confuse one with the other. Also be aware that it will bar you from some jobs - maybe permanently.

    That said, it's your body. I wouldn't stay with any boyfriend who had that little respect for my personal choices.

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