
Do you think teleportation can happen?

by  |  earlier

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As is people,objects,whole cities...?




  1. Yes I do but it is very dangerous in some cases but people can do it

  2. no I don't.  I know it to be the star wars fantasies of past years.  Scientists are seeing how it might happen but have been unable to reproduce the fantasy world.

  3. why not, one day in the future.

  4. I dont think the body will be able to be broken down on an atomic level and re - arranged.

    How will you re - arrange the brains memories ?

    Before it happens we will need to know how the human body works on a sub atomic level , and by then we would have probebly discoved IMORTALITY so their would be no need for teleportation anyway , we could survive the long distances needed to travel through space.

  5. Apparently Australian scientists are working on this stuff right now.

  6. If such a technology is even possible in the physics of this universe, I'd say it's at least hundreds of years away before we even see a hint of it. So far, we've only been able to "teleport" a quantum bit of information from one photon to another. We've got a long way to go!

  7. Nothing is truly unimaginable if you expand your possibilities

  8. Cities i dont know. People and objects yes. Its already been happening.Objects are easy to teleport, since they are made of simple compounds. But human bodies or animals are complicated, so it will take time to invent the technology to teleport organic life. But it will happen.

  9. Yup, but you'll need a port.  A teleport.  Something to distort space-time.  A black hole, maybe.  Actually, you'll need two ports, heh heh.  One to enter, the other to exit.  And very likely an enormous amount of energy.  Which I think we'll find a way to "steal" from the universe, kinda like snatching it out of thin air.

    By now I hope you realize I'm not talking about the kind of teleportation everyone else has been talking about.  I'm not talking about "beam me up Scotty" break me up into my individual atoms and re-assemble me somewhere else.  Why do it the hard way?  Why not just chuck me thru a wormhole whole and squirming and screaming out the other end?  That's teleportation too, you know?

    But the human race has been banned from learning the technology.  Because once we learn how to use it, one of the first things we'll do is to send "explorers" out to various parts of the galaxy to "seek out other life forms" and eliminate them.

    O wait, that's a different movie.

  10. As you know, it is not yet possible but no one can tell what the distant future holds. Anytime I wonder about the possibilities I look back through history and try to place myself without even the thought of what we enjoy today with all of the advances we mostly take for granted.

    100 years ago the thought of sitting in front of a computer screen and instantly talking to someone on the other side of the planet would have blown the minds of the average person away, but here we are. 200 years ago we may have been beaten half to death just to mention it.

  11. No, that's just science fiction.

  12. It cannot happen now, and probably not in the future either.

    Think of the mind-boggling amount of energy, matter and information contained in the structure of even the smallest object. You could theoretically "fax" an object by analysing and transmitting its structure and assembling it at the receiving end, but this would result in 2 objects, not moving one from A to B. I doubt if this would work for dynamic objects such as living things..

  13. Not in my lifetime.

  14. i teleported once...

    i drank a large amount of alcohol and passed out in my friend's driveway. when i woke up i was on her downstairs sofa.

    she didnt put me there, and i dont remember getting up and walking there. so i am going with your teleporting theory.

    thats how i got there!

  15. Yeah, it sounds crazy, but then so did phones and televisions and spacecrafts at one point.

    It would not surprise me if someone made a teleportation device tommorrow. Technology seems to move fast.

  16. All I know that if the phone company is in charge of it, I am NOT doing it.

  17. oh totally. we just have to find a way to be able to break matter down to its smallest part and transporting it and rearranging it back in the exact order it started. Other wise we might end up with our arms on our heads, and then die

  18. Yes, it is possible, and most likely inevitable, however current theory suggests that currently the energy expenditure is prohibitive. In such cases as the so-called "Philadelphia Experiment", well, it never happened.

  19. i don't think so simply because in order to move matter from once place to another you need energy and the energy it would take to move something of significant mass would probably destroy it.  and by what means would you be able to teleport something anyways?  i believe that some people can will objects to move via telekinetics, but one person teleporting from the US to britain in time for tea is pretty unlikely.  at least now anyways.  i think it would be a VERY long time before science could figure out that kind of technology.

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