
Do you think temperature has gotten hotter than it used to be?

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Bruce J:

wow, hold your horses environmental cowboy. it is just an inane question. i dont dwell on G.W. like you freaks do.




  1. Yes, global warming is the reason.

  2. It really doesn't matter what I think.

    The FACT of the matter is that the average global temperature is increasing.  I can sit around all day and think otherwise, but it won't change a thing...

  3. today in NY we had snow flurries and it is below freezing.

  4. yeah. maybe someday it'll be like baking bread inside a oven

  5. yea its called GLOBAL WARMIMG.


  6. yeah and im in jamaica, where its hot already

  7. At least Bruce J. didn't ASK the self-admitted inane question. Average global temperature have gotten warmer, the evidence is clear.  Just because the Earth has gone through cycles in the past doesn't mean that we aren't affecting temperatures these days, or shouldn't be concerned about them.

    And when Jessica H. says "And remember that there is no proof whatsoever that any minute temperature shifts are anthrogenic (man made)." she is WRONG. There is no doubt that some temperature changes are anthropogenic.  For example, when jets were grounded in the US after 9/11, the diurnal temperature range got greater--this was directly attributable to the lack of contrails over North America.  See Travis, D.J., Carleton, A.M., and R. Lauritsen (2002).

    "Jet Contrails and Climate: Anomalous Increases in U.S. Diurnal Temperature Range for September 11-14, 2001."Nature, Vol. 418, p. 601 for details.

    Not everything that groups such as Greenpeace do is good, but it's important that somebody is out there worrying about things.

  8. Overall, the global temperature average has increased only slightly.  We cannot prove it is anything more than a natural earthly cycle.  

    The world might warm up slowly for 10,000 years and then cool down for another 10,000 years.  

    Of course, it is slightly accelerated due to man made aerosols, but uhhh don't worry too much.

  9. yes it has gotten hotter

    the tempture now was the tempture in june last year

  10. No.  I think weather phenomena are cyclical.  I believe that the earth naturally goes through peaks and valleys, where the temperature goes up and down, unrelated to what man does.  

    When people tell you that it is warmer now than it has ever been, remember that accurate records have only been kept for a very small fraction of man's time on earth.  And remember that there is no proof whatsoever that any minute temperature shifts are anthrogenic (man made).

    More than anything, do not let anyone else's over emotional  viewpoints guide your mind.  Do some research and make up your own mind.

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