
Do you think terrorism can be eradicated...?

by  |  earlier

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Without the eradication of Muslims ?

No offence meant, all the terrorists all over the world are Muslims.




  1. You obviously don't know anything about terrorists and even less about Muslims.

  2. Unless you have the technology to control free thought there is no way of eradicating terrorism.

    And by the way Islamic terror does not even account for 50% of all think all those terrorists in South America, Africa, and other areas are muslims? get real!

    Almost all terrorists are NOT muslim but out of all terrorists muslim terrorists get almost all of the air time!

  3. If you would only listen to John Lennon's song titled "Imagine", then your question would be fully answered.

  4. no i don't even if we killed all the muslims

    there are domestic terrorists

    and anyone can do a act of terrorism no matter what their religion is

  5. It might be subdued but not eradicated...especially the way we are handling it...they should be exterminated as they are found...treating them like common criminals is insane.

  6. Terrorism cannot be eradicated any more than vilolent crime, but it is necessary to supress both and create deterents.  

  7. Have you forgotten about the IRA, or how about the Japanese terrorist that released saran gas in the subway?

  8. Terrorism isn't true. It is a sham. We (America) are using innocent muslims and such to make the world seem like an ugly place. Bombings, the fake 9/11, Terrorism - ITS ALL FAKE. The government is preparing us for the new world order - a time when all the countries of the world unite and are ruled by one leader with one religion. They make this normal world seem horrible, to persuade people that the life when we are united seem better. And it will be, with them stopping all the bombs and horrible happenings. Research NWO, Illuminati, Free Masons or New World Order on Google. You will see what I am talking about. And yes, tourism WILL be eradicated, but in time, when the worlds evil plan goes ahead, and the cruel life they have given us is taken away when the world ends.

    Long live freedom and religion!

  9. depends what you call terrorism one might call americas cruelty as terrorism i believe the biggest terrorists in these world and the people most fit to be trialled for crimes against humanity r the former american presidents but who is going to put them in trial if other counties did on hundredth of what you have done they would have been bumped to the ground and all their leaders hanged

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