
Do you think that, we Y!A LGBT should make up our own city and move there?

by Guest56687  |  earlier

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I think we should.

So, where would you want this city to be in, and what would you like to name it?

I want it somewhere in Antarctica, and call it the Y!A LGBT City!

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*Best Wishes*



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  1. In Tokyo and It'd be called YYAC (Yaoi Yuri Ai City)

  2. Ehm, I prefer the city to be somewhere in the Pasific, so we could all have fun....  

  3. Nope i don't, i would miss all my friends, and the sunshine, not really a huge fan of being in sub zero temperatures constantly...this kind of thing just separates hetero's from homo's which is kind of stupid, especially for those of us friends with almost entirely straight people. Its a really stupid question because your just trying to separate people, how about we introduce some apartheid's aswell, they always help.

  4. I don't think you should make anyone unwelcome because of who they are. LGBT, you are welcome wherever I am!

  5. but dont you think y/a would get empty if we were all talkin to each other in person??

    but i would want it some1 like bora bora (cant spell, sounds like that)

    and id call it LGBPT city

  6. Looool. We should make a little city upstate in New York, 2-3 hours from my house. LAKE GEORGE!


  7. God, I wish you guys would. That'd be great for the rest of us!

  8. Or maybe just stay here, strengthen our borders, and keep out the riffraff and filth that seems to enjoy our company despite loathing us?

  9. no plz dan i ll miss u then..

  10. I already made us a city! :]

    It was like... Or something like that.

  11. It's a great fantasy, and it sure sounds like heaven on earth, but I'd have to say "No". The point of our struggle is so we can live our lives freely without fear or persecution, and segregating ourselves will only reinforce the warped perception of bigots that (1) we are ashamed of who we are and (2) we need to be away from the "normal" people.

    The best way for them to see that we are not all that different is to be with them where we all are right now. Their knowledge of us will change, and hopefully they will see where we are all coming from: a place of equality.

  12. Antarctica? s***w that. Let's just commandeer Long Island. Or Bermuda, that would be nice.

  13. Antarctica? but that's sooooo cold! why not Honolulu and call it Gaytopia.

  14. Sounds like a plan,but to some place with heat. Not all of us are "snow bunnies" I'm in favor of Bermuda myself. Or someplace in South America...........I know! how about Rio?

  15. You have succeeded in giving rise to many wonderful thoughts with this question!

    It's a fine idea, for oppression against g*y folk is bad in some places.  I feel terribly for g*y folk in much of the Middle East and Africa.  However I don't think I would personally want to depart to a permanent LGBT city, for I also love many straight folk I would miss; besides, I am trying to make my own community more g*y-friendly.

    However I do sometimes think an LGBT retirement home might be a good option.  Can we have it in a warmer place, though?  lol

  16. Oh yes I do! That would be, well.....Divine!!!

    I say we do it in Ireland and I think we should just call it g*y City and run around with our rainbow boas and sing:

    "We built this city

    We built this city on rock and roll!

    We built this city, we built this city on rock and roll

    Built this city, we built this city on rock and roll"

  17. I would definitely at least visit there regularly if it weren't in Antarctica...I hate the cold...can we rename Key West?  XOXO

  18. lol

    I'm all for it. Let's do that!

  19. i want the city somewhere warmer

    and it wud have to be called LGBTP for ur pans divine lol

  20. Only if i can be in charge of immigration

    Oh, and can't we have somewhere a bit warmer than the Antartic?

  21. Oh yes! Just let me know when to book my flight and the destination.

    *Dreams* *sighs* day I shall click my heels and be transported there.  

  22. Maybe then we can all chill at our computers together?


  23. we def should,but make it somewhere in australia.and there wouldn`t be cars so we don`t help increase global warming,and everyone there would be vegetarians,and there would be a law that says u have to be smiling all the freakin` time!!and there would be HUGE posters of bill kaulitz on buildings!and our national anthem would be (born for this-paramore)oh,sigh*


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