
Do you think that 450 square feet is a decent size for a studio apartment? Thanks.?

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Do you think that 450 square feet is a decent size for a studio apartment? Thanks.?




  1. Yes, you can make it work. I would suggest a futon, hide-a-bed couch or fold up mattress if you want to maximize your space. Also a small file cabinet to help organize in a small space.

    Closets or underneath bed space are good to stuff shoe boxes with receipts, bills etc. to make a neat appearance. To make it look bigger, you can place mirrors 1' X 8' mirrors on one side of the room. Lighter colors or pastels will add life and the appearance of roominess.

  2. It's rather small.

  3. I think you need new shoes...just kidding, no it is small

  4. 450 probably isn't too tiny, if it's just for you and maybe one pet.  Anybody else, it's going to get cramped unless you both live a very ascetic lifestyle.

    I lived with my youngster in a 1-bedroom apt that was 600 s.f.  We managed for about a year, then it was time for something roomier.

  5. Your going to have to be truly organized and think compact.

    As long as you can think organized and compact you'll survive but it is small.  Survivable but SmAlL.

    Good LuCk




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