
Do you think that AGW believers here will be willing to truly practice what they preach....?

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And stop driving SUVs and other gas guzzlers, move our of the suburbs--hills, mountains, beaches, countryside, etc. and move into smaller more energy efficient homes in cities that are already paved and developed (so they won't interfere with the natural habitats and ecosystems) and are closer to everything those they don't have to drive/commute (and pollute) as much just to go shopping....

They want less development, but less development begins with them, doesn't it? It's never too late for them to relocate so that the mountain lions, opossums, deer, owls, bears and other animals can then reclaim those areas--do you agree?




  1. Well, Al Gore is the biggest proponenet of AGW. Let's use him as an example.

    His mansion uses about 20 times the energy the average American does. He updated the house to make it green, and his electrical usage went up 10%. Way to go Al.

    He flies in a private plan.

    He just bought a 100' house boat fully equiped with a personal jet ski.

    Hmmmm....guess not.

  2. Yes.  I don't expect anyone to take any steps that I won't take myself.  I don't really care if you think otherwise.


    What makes you think you've ever come down from the trees or out of the caves?

    The question says more about you than any answer can ever do.

    Development is about helping the poorest nations to skip the dirty stages of development by utilising the abundance of energy in their own ecosystems.

    Heliothermal, Photovoltaic, Aeolic, Geothermal (oh, sorry, of course... I should speak to the level of my audience) The Sun's heat and light energy, the energy from the wind and the energy from the Earth's own heat (is that better, diddums? :o) are sufficient for modern, efficient appliances (electrical things that work using less energy) and can operate Hydrolitic plant (splitting water by electricity producing Hydrogen (an invisible, odourless gas, abundant in nature and which constitutes the majority of the energy in Fossil Fuels (<sighs> you know? "gas-ow-leene"?) which can be used in Fuel Cells.... aw, whatever!

    I give up!  I can't talk to people who drool spittle!

  4. I personally will not be satisfied until every alarmist is back swinging in the trees with apes where they want to put the rest of us.

  5. Don't you mean GW supporters?

  6. There are mountain lions in Orange County, CA, near Camp Pendleton.  Occasionally they get a jogger or a biker. -Cool!

  7. But they want the rest of us living in caves and walking so there will be more for them to use. It is not saving the planet or conservation that drives them it is pure greed.

  8. I don't think you have to believe in Global Warming to want a healthier planet. I do practice what I preach, and I have no idea if GW is true. The way I look at it, we are making the earth uninhabitable for humans. If we continue to pollute and use resources at the rate we are now, we will have a very tough life ahead of us. We are all connected and are only hurting ourselves with our current lifestyles.

    You think $4 a gallon for gas was hard to deal with. Just think, gas has tripled in price since Bush took office, if we continue at that rate we are looking at $12 a gallon in 8 years. I'll bet public transportation will look a lot better then. Historically in Ca electric rates have risen 7% annually, how much higher does it need to go before solar panels start looking like a good investment?

    We have a dramatic increase in asthma and other lung diseases and most Dr.'s agree that air quality is the major reason for it. How much longer before we begin to wear masks like the Chinese?

    I just wonder how bad it will have to get before our survival instinct kicks in and we as a nation begin to make real change instead of arguing about Global Warming.

  9. well i know i practice what i preach.  We recently bought a hybrid car and we live in a sustainable culture and we grow a lot of our own food.  We live in a small town and eat organic local foods.  It is a hard life style but it is going to pay off

  10. Al Gore should cycle and swim around the world spreading his message if he cares so much about the polar bears so much (rather than his own carbon trading business), and the IPCC should stop wasting paper with their "projections" and running their models to reduce co2.

    If you want to reduce co2, go collect all the leaves when they fall off the trees and bury them before the decompose and release nasty co2 as this accounts for much more than all of mans co2 emmissions, then sit back and feel good about yourself as our tinkering bugger up the earths natural systems which we dont understand

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