
Do you think that Amereca's society has detoriated. Is like people are living in constant fear?

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The films, videogames and media are just promoting violence. I am not saying not to show any violence but it seems that we have lost control




  1. The only thing to fear is fear itself.Dont let it control you and the media really play on our fears makes good tv.

  2. nope i dont live in constant fear i hope your not either..

  3. America has detoriated, It's not good,  Behaviors that are common place and acceptable now, wouldnt have even been thought of 100 years ago.  Violence, People sleeping with each other without being married, p**n, the list goes on.

    America was built on a belief on god, and with god's help, and it is only by his help that america will stay free.  And the scriptures tell us that America will be a land of freedom, free from all other nations on earth, if they will but serve the god of the land who is jesus christ.  But if the day comes that more people choose evil, than those who choose good, the people will be swept off the land, and our freedom will fall.

  4. I wouldn't say fear is constant however it seems there is more and more things to be really concerned about....the awful war unlike any other, the world food crisis, gasoline prices being a real hardship, the Nafta highway possiblity, the housing crisis, the many natural disasters.

    I hate so much violence on tv, games, and videos, now even in sports. Some think it's a safe way to handle anger, fear and stress.

  5. Yes its deteriorated.  The family structure is gone, people just think about themselves and money.

  6. I'm not aware of anyone living in constant fear.

    I would say that society has deteriorated, though.

  7. yes i do

  8. it has deteriorated due to stupid, lazy, codependent persons who are also self-righteous drama queens.

    Complaining, dramatising, buying, beautifying, ingnorance

  9. LMAO, no we are not living in 'Constant fear' the only thing we have to fear is Bush and the Ghetto population of America. ( Gangs)

  10. in my opinion they are living too fast. you can get so fast that you feel like you're in a stock car race. dusk

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