
Do you think that America is less racis than 20 years ago, if you think it is why do you feel that way ?

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I am not racist. I know my values, do you?




  1. I think it depends where you are. Some places may not be racist at all or it's harder to find. Other places it's very blatant still. I think where I live it's pretty racist because it's not that diverse. I grew up in a community that was not diverse and racism was high. It's because of ignorance. I think it has improved in some areas but it has not improved in other areas in the past 20 years.

    edit: It bothers me that we still concern ourselves with a person's race or ethnic background.

  2. I do think that America is less racist than it was 20 years ago.  I don't think 20 years ago you would have seen Obama as the expected Democratic nominee.  Don't get me wrong I think we have a long way to go but I don't think racism is as prevalent as it was 20 years ago.  

  3. From my observations, I'm not so sure I agree, because of the blatant racism I see from so many of those in the minorities.  I guess you might call it reverse racism.


    I've always felt we should be color rich, not color blind, and that's how I raised my children.  I used to feel this mixture we have in the US of various cultures and races was something to embrace and respect.  That's getting harder to do and it's disturbing.

    Yes, I am Southern.  No, I am not a racist.  Oddly enough, when my company moved my family to California, I saw more racism there than I ever witnessed in Georgia.  

  4. I think this country is just as racist as it ever was...just different folks are victims now.....and here's a's NOT the ones who whine and cry about racism all the time really suffering.

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