
Do you think that Americans who support Obama have ever been to a communist country?

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Do you think that Americans who support Obama have ever been to a communist country?




  1. No, but maybe they should before they vote.

    Because if bama gets into office this country will be overrun with all his goodtime terrorist buddies.

  2. I have been, yes....and still support Obama.  

  3. Like North Korea?

    Not alot of communist countries out there anymore.

    Closest I ever got was Poland after the Iron Curtain fell.

  4. What's the point of this question?

  5. Yes, I used to live in one, what's your point?

    If you're trying to connect Obama to communism...maybe you need a few more lessons on political systems.

  6. What difference would that make?  America is not a communist country...nor is there any danger of it becoming one.

    Fear mongering Neocons...

  7. Yeah, I have been actually. East Germany and Czechoslovakia. No better way to know that Communism is a pretty bad way to live.

    I happened to go to the East Berlin suburb of Pannchow to meet with an East German Lutheran Church congregation. We were followed by two undercover policemen, who kept tabs on my group of 18 students while we discussed the hardships faced by openly Christian citizens in East Germany.

    Nothing like passing through Checkpoint Charlie to give you an appreciation for the freedoms we enjoy as Americans.

  8. Im really getting tired of the US election

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