
Do you think that Bolivias new rule on Americans needing visas to visit will decrease US tourism in Bolivia?

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Bolivia now wants to charge $134 dollars to any American wanting to travel to Bolivia, requiring us to prove where we will be staying, etc. Sounds to me like a bunch of c**p, America requires visas cause we have an immigration issue, just like Europe and other rich countries. I think this new law is just going to cause a decrease in tourism there, not only because of the money but because of the hassle it is to get hotel addresses, notarized letters or where you will be staying and all the other c**p that comes with applying for a visa. Bolivia is such a poor country why do they want to jeopardize tourism there? Personally, if I was planning to do a trip to South America and Bolivia came to me with all this c**p about the visa I'd probably skip that country and just see the others.

They say they want to treat Americans just like we treat Bolivians wanting to visit the stupid!

my source...




  1. Sounds like you just wanted to tell us what you thought lol!

  2. I think it will hurt their tourism a lot.  I spent a month there and really had a good time.  But, I do not think I would have gone if I had to plan each day in advance.  For many travelers , it is a side trip after visiting Peru, not a destination trip.  So, I believe many  will now skip it.  It would seem that the country is too poor to turn down tourists with money to spend.  It will not last.

  3. They don't need you, most tourists in Bolivia are Europeans or Latin Americans. By the way, how many Bolivians inmigrants in the US?? Very few, most Bolivians emmigrate to Argentina or Spain. So the US visa is useless too.

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