
Do you think that Brett Favre.....

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is waiting for Dancing with the Stars to invite him on the show??? :)




  1. I'd dearly love to stay OUT of this one, and maybe Brett should have also!  I cannot understand why he wanted to come back at this "late date."  It only screws up the team's plans.  He cares nothing for the team, but only himself?

    If he doesn't want the money, I'LL TAKE IT!!!

    Have a "sporty" day!

  2. He is too busy concentrating on playing football right now.

    I think every show on Earth would fall all over themselves to get Favre.  But the show you mentioned is not likely to be one Mr. Favre would choose to appear on.  He likes his privacy when he is not playing football.  In the 17 years of his NFL career, he has chosen to appear on TV with Letterman or those types of shows only a couple of times.

    The media frenzy over Favre is not of Favre's doing.  He doesn't want that.  He goes out of his way to avoid it.  This "mess" we have seen recently has actually been going on longer than we know.  That is because Favre has kept it quiet.  Someone else leaked the story.  If Favre loved attention as much as some of you think, then he would have jumped out to the media before then.

    Some of you need to learn about what or who your are talking about before you start talking trash.


    My answer really isn't directed at you, Deb C.  I understand the light-heartedness of your question.  Yet it still brings out some people who are going to say things that are not kind.  Some answerers here act as if they know Favre enough to make judgements on the man's character.  Of course I do not personally know him either.  And if you read my answer, you will find that I do not judge him.  I am defending him from some written attacks.  I am just bothered by people who attack others for no good reason.

    But it isn't just this question or it's answers.  I've seen so many hateful questions and answers lately.  I suppose I am tired of seeing so many people writing hateful things about someone they do not even know.

    If popular opinion stated that kicking puppy dogs and kittens is fun, and the media praised such behavior, I bet yahoo answerers would be bragging about how they love to do it.  Yes, some of you guys love to kick puppies.  Those of you who hate Favre would kick kittens in your spare time if the media told you to.

    Now I am judging.  That's how it works.  There is no reason behind such stupid comments.  Sorry I used such a dumb argument.  I hope I didn't offend any of you.  I honestly do not believe that any of you would abuse animals.  My point is that we get so caught up in the media that it clouds our judgement.  We know so little about people's personal lives.  Especially, a person like Favre who chooses to stay out of the public life as much as possible.  Where and when do you see him purposefully go out of his way to attract attention?  Almost never.  He only recently had an interview to express his side of the story because the Packers were trashing him and his name.  I am referring to the Fox interview, of course.  Outside of that one time, when did he go out of his way to show up and say anything about this issue?

    This isn't just about Favre.  I would do the same for other people.  I stood up for T.O. when people bashed him for crying.  I gained respect for Owens when he showed the passion and courage to show his emotions for a fellow player.

    So many people are quick to judge.  Please, everyone, just lighten up a little.  Have some fun.  Enjoy the world you live in.  We're only here for a short time.  Why waste it by hating each other?

    And with that, I'm done.

    Maybe someday I'll be dancing with the stars.

  3. Probably but who cares!!

  4. I just saw live coverage of him landing in Green Bay with about 100 fans lined up to cheer him him in the rain.So if they are going to invite him they had better do it tonight because he will be at Lambeau suited up and readey to go tommorow.

  5. You know he is. He loves the camera and will do anything to get on one.

  6. He would be doing more on "Dancing with the Stars" than sitting on the side-lines all season on the football field.

  7. Yes, that is why he was thinking about the 25 million dollar offer.

    He was practicing his dancing skills.

  8. He can't make up his mind,flip flopping can be habit forming

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