
Do you think that Britain is becoming a more difficult place to live?

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  1. I am an American, but I only know what I hear...Britain is being slowly taken over by Islamic and African peoples at a greater rate then anywhere else. Especially the Muslim population, again from what I am told.

  2. Difficult???

    All you have to do is dress as an immigrant and you get free money, a house, and a job!

    Then look at the class system - The middle-classes have it easier than ever. They can go out, have 2 or even 3 cars (one is usually a 4x4) and their kids can go to top schools...

    It's only the working classes which are looked down up on, down to pure snobbery.

    You also have free prescriptions/help off the NHS, and can see your GP at any time.

  3. It depends on who you are really. I doubt it's a difficult place to live for the royal family or for most of the upper classes.

    There is less and less respect every year though, and if something happens to you like you get mugged or beaten up the police don't usually do anything. So in some ways it's becoming a scarier place to live.

  4. yes but i dont think its just britain - its everywhere! We are our own worst enemies!

  5. It's gone a bit downhill over the last year or so. But think that's down to a worldwide economic thingy.

    Overall, think it's one of the better places to live in the world. I like it here anyway.

  6. I don't know about difficult, but expensive,yes.

  7. how about you giving a reason for your question in what way do you mean.

    how do you mean ?

  8. "I remember when I was a lad"!!!

                                        That's what the old fellers always used to say, I swore then I would never say that when I reached old age.

                                          It was all BS.

    now I am old (very old). Old enough to recall kids working for peanuts, old enough to know we had plenty of gangs and gang fights, old enough to remember carrying a cut throat razor, the gangs today are kittens in comparison.

                                              Crime of any type has certainly not increased, it has drastically decreased.

                                                Pensioners are better looked after now than they ever were.

                                               So you ask is Britain becoming a more difficult place to live in?

                                                 More difficult than when?

    If you refer to this latest world crisis, then this has affected just about all the world.

                                                    Since Maggie was binned things slowly got better and better, this goverment had a lot of mess to clear up, and they did it, now folk have it in mind that this goverment are to blame for the present crisis.

                                                   There is no way the Con clowns would have done any better, what a bunch of loons they are.

                                                       If their are lots of folk inUK that think we are in a complete mess, they will vote this goverment out soon.

                                                       The Con clowns will take over, then they will swiftly learn that even as we are in this mess, it will get lots worse under the "Hug a hoody, they dont get enough love at home" brigade.  I remember Maggis bunch very well.

                                                            Possibly my best moment of those memories was to see her in tears after she was booted out of office. Wish I had recorded it.

    Hope this helps?


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