
Do you think that Bush's prior drug use (cocaine) led him make poor decisions while in office?

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So why would we run the risk of electing someone else who has done the same thing in the past?

Barack Obama on Drugs

Click here for 13 full quotes on Drugs OR other candidates on Drugs OR background on Drugs.

Look at needle exchange; and expand treatment. (Feb 2008)

Fight to rid our communities of meth. (Feb 2008)

Expand drug courts; help prisoners with substance abuse. (Feb 2008)

2001: questions harsh penalties for drug dealing. (Oct 2007)

Not first candidate to use drugs, but first honest about it. (Oct 2007)

Do not lower drinking age from 21 to 18. (Sep 2007)

Experimented with cocaine but turned down heroin. (Aug 2007)

A "secret smoker", especially around reporters. (Aug 2007)

Smokes cigarettes now; smoked some pot in high school. (Feb 2007)

Admitted marijuana use in high school & college. (Jan 2007)

Deal with street-level drug dealing as minimum-wage affair. (Oct 2006)

Understand why youngsters want to use drugs. (Aug 1996)

Require chemical resellers to certify against meth use. (Sep 2007)

Yes, I will pick a best answer, and no, having used drugs does not bother me... I just feel our "best" person shouldn't have.




  1. Do you not think McCain used drugs? He was in vietnam...he was a horribly disruptive youth...he nearly flunked out of 2 schools. There are plently of people who have used drugs in their past and now lead successful lives. Bill Gates is one that comes to mind. I don't think Bush's policies had anything to do with his drug was his ideology...which McCain completely agrees with.

  2. Wow, I was unaware that there were any long term effects from short term use such that cognitive skills would be affected many years after usage.

    I'm being sarcastic.....Of course not. Nor are there any such effects from MJ. The only real candidate for such long erm effects would be tryptamines.

    If anything, it means that said candidate has some experience with illegal drugs and at the least understands the allure of it and further that he/she is an explorer, has lived on the streets, and has experienced something of real life, as opposed to having been sheltered all their lives.

    And don;t think hat McCain has never done any such drugs. Surely he has at least some experience with opiates or opiods (as does any American who has ever taken Vicodin or Lortab or Percocet).

    Why is it that these people who ask these kinds of quesions are not in any way concerned with Rx medications ? Because they are legal ? What does that matter when we are talking about physical effects ?

  3. No, I don't.  I think his poor leadership skills had more to do with it.

  4. Obama is a Democrat so it does not count.

  5. I think there are a lot of politicians who have EXPERIMENTED with drugs. I truly believe Bush's lack of mental abilities stem from his alcohol abuse that destroyed his brain cells.

  6. no, if u want to do drugs and than bring it up later to try for the ghetto votes i don't want u for my president either party

  7. Possibly, we know that Bill Clinton's drug use before and while in Office contributed to his poor judgement (ever wonder why he was the only president in recent history to not make is medical records public?)

  8. I don't think drugs has much to do with it.

    Bush is a brain dead, wooden headed fascist cheney-puppet.

    There is no WAY I would ever vote for another Republican.

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