
Do you think that Bush should enact a law that if any American Criticize him will be sent to Guantanamo bay?

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Be held as a enemy of America because they don't understand his policies.




  1. No.  I think we should try to actually use our constitution instead of worry about Iraq's and boot this wayward president out.  We need to reinstate Habeas Corpus.

  2. As noted previously, the President cannot enact any laws.  However, he could, I assume, request that the Justice Department investigate those who are actively critical to his policies for treason, since we are currently in a "war".  However, this would not hold water in court, since freedom of speech and the ability to speak critically of our government is a basic right. Though it may be harassing enough to silence many critics.

  3. No...

    The President does not have the authority to enact laws. That is up to those morons we call the Congress.

  4. l love how liberals always act like they are so paranoid of dictators when they themselves are dictators. They support dictators.

    They are enamored with dictators. In their professional and private lives they act like dictators.

    I suppose it's like the cheating husband who is always paranoid of the wife cheating. It must be a psychological thing.

    But maybe it has a simpler answer....guilty conscience.

  5. doubt that he would after having already had 8 yrs of same without much response.

    if obama is elected we will see, since critical word against obama will be a hate crime anyway, he won't have to change much

  6. No. That isn't the way the U.S. operates. You may want to read up on that.

  7. Question is, has Bush EVER visited Gitmo?

    How about sending him there for an extended stay.

  8. I think you need to work on your grammar...  

    Stupid question...  stupid answer...

  9. The whole argument here is that Bush is not in a position to enact laws.  Congress enacts laws.  Bush either signs them or vetoes them--but he can't sign them and then issue a signing statement declaring himself immune to them, something he has done more than 1500 times so far.

    In a democratic country, the president does not have the right to imprison people without charges, just on his own whim.  This principle is at least 800 years old.

    If Americans don't understand Bush's policies it's because Bush hasn't been able to explain them.

  10. A bigger threat to our democracy is voters who don't understand how our government works.  I can't think of anything more unpatriotic than to advocate what you are suggesting.

  11. that question is ridiculous  this country was built on criticism  you should read the constitution sum time their is a lil amendment that tells us that we have the freedom of speech so if you don't like it go movie to china under  a communist regime where you cant speak freely

  12. if it was left up to the right wing conservatives and the Bush regime no American would have any constitutional right to do anything in this country .

  13. No, I personally think there should be a law that anyone who criticizes ME should be sent to Gitmo.

    I think Bush should be impeachedfor violating his oath of office.

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