
Do you think that Cameron's bike saga, stinks of a publicity stunt. Bet special branch are cursing.?

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Do you think that Cameron's bike saga, stinks of a publicity stunt. Bet special branch are cursing.?




  1. Looks very much like one.

  2. no but where was his minders

  3. Mine got whipped the day before and his getting whipped makes me feel much better.

  4. What actually annoyed me about this was that a few minutes before they mentioned Cameron and his missing bike on the news. It was mentioned about another poor young man being killed in service in Afghanistan. Then it quickly switched to this poxy useless news about his missing bike and spent far longer droning on about it.

    I do not give a rats a--- about his missing bike when you have got people dying all over the world!

    And yes i think it was one publicity stunt. The next thing we will see is him on roller blades doing his shopping in the local corner shop!

  5. I can't believe that a man who thinks he is intelligent enough to run our country actually padlocked his bike to a bollard of all things.  Any fool can see that all you had to do was lift the bike over the bollard.  It was only about 3ft high for Gods sake.  A 3 year old could've nicked it.

  6. Bike returned ! Plod solving a crime on our streets! That's a first.... Wonder how many other people who had bikes stolen that day got theirs  returned.... Cad would guess none!

  7. It stinks alright, but it has nothing to do with Cameron's bike.

  8. I blame Norman Tebbit for telling the public to get on their

  9. He looks a right tool in that hat dun't he.

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