
Do you think that Caylee Anthony's grandmother or mother had anything to do with her disaparance?

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Do you think that Caylee Anthony's grandmother or mother had anything to do with her disaparance?




  1. Obviously her mother did something, its not like its normal for anyone to go out partying when her child is missing.  I don't think the grandmother had anything to do with it, but guarantee that attention seeking mother did something.  I wish they could forceably give truth serum to people like her, especially when it involves a missing child.  I wouldn't have a problem with torture either, at least with this woman.

  2. Is there anybody that doesn't think that?

  3. The mother is definately in on it.  I don't know what is wrong with the grandma.  She is in complete denial.  I think it's pretty obvious the mom offed the kid.

  4. How would we know? I would think that by now people would learn how much of a waste of time speculating on these disappearance cases is. No one here knows what happened. After the media and speculators ruined the lives of Jon-Benet Ramsey's innocent parents for over a decade, it would be nice to see people learn to show a little respect. People's lives get ruined by this kind of c**p. Let the police do their jobs.  

  5. I think the mom is a nutcase and she is the key too the disappearance.

  6. The mother, for sure

  7. I believe that at least one of them knows where she is. I can't be sure that the Mother caused any physical harm to her child but I'm rather sure that she is a neglectful parent which can cause harm in itself. We can speculate until the cows come home but in the end, I really hope that Caylee is found unharmed.

  8. Yes.  I am not sure about the grandmother, but the mom is an obvious lunatic.

  9. The mom knows everything.  I think grandma's in the dark.

  10. The mother sure knows what happened, I don;t know about the grandmother....I dont think she really didnt do anything at all

  11. This entire situation has me perplexed. As a mother and grandmother, I have had to deal with a child similar to Caylees mother. Lied, stole, etc.  Also had to contact police about her. It seems strange that this family had so much power over the daughter, paid all her bills, yet she stole and lied and they waited so long and it took so long for a report. After day 1, as the grandmother I would have called police about child. Something is wrong with the whole thing, it stinks. While I must say, I think the court and police are wrong and her attorney. Her attorney should be working to get bail reduced and her on house arrest. She has minimal charges against her and she does not seem to be a flight risk. Personally, I think the mother knows exactly the whereabouts of the child, dead or alive, I hope she is alive. However, for some reason she seems to want to hurt/punish her parents.  Therea re also some racy photos of this young mother and the rumors of drugs are flying rampant as is prostitution. Rumors of the child being held as ransom are also out there, with the mother afraid to tell because of the crimes (i.e. drugs and prostitution) she is involved in.  The police need to charge her and start feverishly looking for the child as they do not appear to really be looking only building a case to prosecute.  All too familiar with police.  11 years ago a similar case happened in FL, now 11 years later, the child is rumored to be living happily in Tampa, FL.  Why did the mother lie about places? Why did she lie about jobs? Why did the grandmother wait so long? Why did no one question the child being gone so long? Why? Why did the mother wait to report cra stolen?Rumors have it this girl stole from the parents before. What do the tests show in the car? What do investigators think? Maybe it is time to go back to interrogations the old fashioned way.  Maybe arrest the grandparents?  There are too many loose ends,too many inconsistencies in this whole scheme.  Why did the parents pay the daughters rent, electric cell bill, etc and she have a nanny?  Who paid for that?  What illegal activity is she involved in ?  The attorney should focus on immunity for those issues (if they exist) and then get this young child back. These grandpaprents need to be screened by Department of Children and Welfare/Families and scrutinized pior to them getting the child back.  Notice no neighbors are ever on TV talking about them? No friends of the family? Strange...No relatives? What is it about this familiy that makes you so uneasy. This girl talks to parents from jail and is jealous - so it sounds- of mom tv appearance.  Is this a cry for help? Who has Caylee? Why?  There are way more questions than answers. I hope the entire story comes out eventually, but we may never know the truth. The grandparents sold their story to People mag and now are upset because they made the daughter look bad?  Of course she looks bad, people are angry over this young mother and her close mouthed smirks in court. She doesn't look upset, she seems to be reveling in the limelight. Either she killed the child on purpose or accidently, or she has hiddent he child for a reason, and desperately wants attention.....but why????This is being to be anothe Jon Benoit Ramsey  case.  The public is fed up with lazy, horrible parents who are like this.  

  12. I believe that Lee, the brother, and the mother of Caylee know where this child is, or at least what happened to her.  That mother, Casey, is out of her friggin mind.  

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