
Do you think that Dale Jr. can win a championship with Tony Eury Jr.? I don't think he can.?

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Seems that Tony Eury Jr. can't get the car right to close the deal on a race win. They never take a strong car and keep it in first to win a race. I think this is why Dale Jr. hasn't won in two years. He needs to get rid of Tony Eury Jr.




  1. he will nerver win a championship

  2. i agree dale needs a better crew cheif.... but maybe tony jr. should talk to his dad and get his dad to help him... hard to fire family....

  3. I say we make him a championship trophy out of all the beer cans he has emptied, instead of studying on how to drive a car....  Party on Dale Jr...

  4. I don't think he can win on with or without him. Sorry man.

  5. I dont think so--It is a Shame the winless streak continues!!!!!

  6. i have said for 2 years he needs a different  chief  tony sr was good for jr

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