
Do you think that EVIL SPIRITS really exist ?

by  |  earlier

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That is the big question. What do you think ? Are they around

me ? I ask this because I feel as though they have attacked

my finances. Everytime I go, and get a job, something bad happens, and it gets away. Or in other words, someone else

will get it instead of me. I know who may be behind this, but

that is another story. Anyway, I keep having doors opened

concerning my finances. Then it closes, just like that. At my

relative's job, I had a mishap. The boss there told me to

come back the same day, after I filled out an application.

But it sounded like he said, come back "tomorrow". I swear

it did ! So he was pissed, and did not hire me. Another person got the job. This has been going on for 2 months now.


I am aware of this spell now. What do I do to break it ?




  1. No, not the ones that possess a body.

    Just get out of the other side of your bed tomorrow and see if things change.

    Plus its a guy thing, they just do not fully listen all the time when they should.

  2. Do you know for sure that the person who may be into Vodou would curse you with bad luck?

    Anyway, I'd suggest some sort of cleansing. You can find those types of things all over the place. It may include a cold, heavily salted bath and smudging yourself and your house (using sage incense). I've never had to break a hex, so I'm not too sure. Check out Psychic Self Defense, a book by Dion Fortune; its a real classic.

    I hope you can break the hex. Good luck!

  3. Pray that th e spell will go back to where it came form and th eperson may stop cursing you when they get the same thing three times as bad.

    psalms 91:10 and Isaiah 54:17.

  4. Evil spirits are also know as "negative energy " ,


    Wow , You have a curse or an evil spirit is behind you .

    Try to write your own protection spell or Talk  to your Guardian Angel who is always there to protect you ( talk her/him like he was a normal person )  .

  5. I amswered the bad luck question and the same answer applies. Good luck.

  6. Yep, they're real.  But in this economy, it's hard to get a job. It took me 6 months to get the job I'm at now.

    First thing to do: Don't listen to anyone in the occult. They'll make it worse. All they're good at is s******g up their own lives.

    If you're doing some kind of occult practice, get out now.  I used to have miserable "luck" when I was in the occult.

    Visit this website, it'll help:

    Chances are you're not cursed, just a victim of this recession no one wants to call a recession.

  7. yes they do, dont doubt it.

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