
Do you think that Eastern Philosophies are as great or greater than Western ones ?

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  1. Western philosophy deals exclusively with man, the problem of man, the problems and conditions facing man, and has not solved any in 2000 years;  the eastern one takes in what is beyond, indeed it starts from this and 'works downward' towards man. It is all-encompassing, a world view and even more, a universal one.The eastern one is a sage, not a mere philosopher.

    He knows the truth, then applies his mind to give it expression, while the western philosopher, knowing nothing at all, wrecks his mind to find truth, but succeeding in supplying only questions, in which he himself finally gets hopelessly entangled.

  2. All philosophical bodies of thought serve to compliment competing others.  It is important to study all of them in order to decide for yourself.  But there is no 'better'.  Remember; in philosophy, everyone is right in their own minds.

  3. All philosophy, wisdom and truth descend from the East, There is no such thing as a western philosopher without eastern indoctrination. The most ancient and complete wisdom is writ in the east and hasn’t been bettered or increased.

    The most competent western philosophers all have associations and gained teaching from Eastern scriptures. Kindly correct me if I am wrong.

  4. does that make any difference ?

  5. The difference between those philosopers of the East and the Western/European philosophers is primarily one of view point.

    The Western philosophers followed Descartes seeing themselves and each other "individual" as a separate entity from all else that exist and all else that exist as being in existence from the benefit of said individual.

    This lead to a great deal of "scientific" development and supposed advances but at the expense of the life of many other beings.

    To learn about a tree, the tree was cut down and taken apart, as were all other forms of plant and animal life seemingly without the sceintists ever stopping to realize that the "whole is greater than the sum total of the parts".  One was learning about a dead tree, a dead frog, cat, cow, bird, insect or human being and then had to attempt to apply said gained knowledge to the living which was not always sucessfully done.

    The Eastern/Asian philosphers took a very different approach beginning with the connectedness or unity of all things having arisen in a cause and effect nature of interdependence which produced the idea of the "One" where in each individual is "one", and said individual is part of "one family", which is part of "one community", "one state", "one geographic area" which is part of "one hemisphere", "one planet", "one universe".

    It was understood, and rightfully so, that to take away, remove or destroy any part of the one deinished the whole of the one.

    This also led to a more cohesive or unified society, although often a very structured one but not to the possible exclusion of rising above the status into which one may have been born which would have been accomplished by the merits of ones actions in service of other "ones".

    Western philosophers also clung to the idea of the popular and state religions as the same were presented during their time, again with this being ego or self centered as the same fails to honor the "one" of the other who is an extention of ones self.

    Eastern philosophers were much more willing to let the invisible "gods" take care of themselves in an understanding that if they, the living humans, were lving honorable, moral and ethical lives they had nothing to fear from any god who could only ask for each one to do the same.  This understanding was not only more tolerant but was also a truer expression of the idea of freedom of religion (or, better said, freedom from religion).

    Where Western philosophies and philosphpers along with Western religion and the ideals of the same have only caused disunity, disharmony and societial discontent, promoting fear, injustice, hatred, bigotry, and harm through forced conversions, persecutions, crusades, jihads, holy wars, inquisitions, witch hunts and the like in the name of peace and the promoting the same, even among the supposed followers of the same religions (Christians fighting Christains, Muslims fighting Muslims, etc.) the Eastern/Asian philosophies and philosophers have promoted and taught the opposite.

    This one has well studied the various philosophies of the world as well as the historyies associated with the same, political effects, religious understandings and the like.  In this ones humble opinion, the Eastern/Asian philosophies and philosophers have proven to be of greater benefit to mankind and the rest of creation than have the Western.

    Be well.

  6. No. That would be patronising to eastern philosophy, and insulting to western philosophy. They're just different. It's not about 'greatness', just difference.

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