
Do you think that Egypt Pyramids were build by Aliens?

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(but not the sort ugly ones Ok? ) Thanks for your opinion.




  1. No, but what a lot of people do not realize is that when God kicked satan and his angels out of Heaven, a lot of the demons lived here on earth.  Those demons breeded with human women and that created a whole new race.  I can't remember the technical name for them (too lazy to look it up right now. lol)  But this new species grew up to be a lot taller than regular human beings.  For example, everyone has heard of David and Goliath.  Well Goliath was one of these new species.  There have been skeletons found of people who were as tall as 18 feet!  Some probably even taller.  And it has been proven that some of them lived in the same area as the pyramids.  So to me it makes more sense that, instead of just regular, short people, there were also, if not mostly, these 15, 16, 17, 18 foot tall cross-breeds helping to build these pyramids.  Just imagine how much one of these guys could lift!  I mean, the world record for clean and press lifting today is something like 800 and something pounds or something.  And thats just an average-sized guy!  Those guys could probably lift tons each.

  2. no, the egyptians built them

  3. "Do I think that Egypt pyramids were build by aliens?"

    No, of course not. They were built over gosh knows how many decades mostly by forced Egyptian labor and by slaves. Aliens who were smart enough to cross the seemingly endless tracks of the universe wouldn't trouble themselves with so unimportant (to them) a task, would they now?

  4. nope, maybe Stonehenge or cropcircles, not the pyramids

  5. absolutely no pyramids were built by egyptian's hands

  6. NO.  In fact, it has recently been discovered that the pyramids have hidden ramps inside that would have been used to construct the pyramids with slave labor.

  7. No, they were built by Egyptians.  Just because we can't always figure out how such a monumental task was performed, doesn't mean that aliens did it.

    We don't seem to give ancient civilizations enough credit.  Just because they didn't have all of our technologies at their disposal, doesn't mean that they were any less inteligent.  I have seen countless accounts of people in our time finding ways that the pyramids could have been built with limited technologies.  If all of these people from our time can do it, so could they.

  8. nope, built by slave labor

  9. Built by out of work egyptians.

    Egyptians had slaves but they were put to more useful work.

  10. Well, the building of pyramids is kind of mystery, but pyramids weren't build by aliens.

  11. no. there is absolutely no evidence for that.

  12. try slave laborers

  13. No. Slaves.

  14. no.dont u read history or watch t.v documentaries on pyramids? improve yur knowledge.there's nothin wrong in it.

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