
Do you think that Enchanted love cannot be seen with earthly eyes???

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Do you think that Enchanted love cannot be seen with earthly eyes???




  1. On an occasion it can be seen but it takes many different forms .The evidence is everywhere we look.

  2. What's enchanted love? I'm confused, and slightly interested.

  3. Not something to be seen, maybe.  It should be felt with every fiber of our earthly being.

  4. yes both earthly and spiritually. I'm destiny of life(2^[]^2) from angel baby's wings family heavenly sky your contact is(4^[]^4)  we love our wings.

  5. enchantment is a mystical thing which our senses may not perceive directly, but sense nonetheless.  like the siren song of a sleeping beauty which attracts a kiss from one who is yet unseen, enchantment can be tasted but not heard, felt but not seen, touched but not with the hands. implies a fate and a beauty which we as a species find elusive, and only exists in myths and fairy tales, except for a precious few...

  6. It just requires an open mind, open heart

    and open hand, and "Better" eyes.

  7. I love this yes..(I think)you can't see love,,and that doesn't mean it isn't there

      the guy below me is confusing it a myth?

  8. Yes. The enchanted love cannot be seen by earthly eyes.earthly eyes can be easily deceived and eluded.Enchanted love can be seen only through the (eyes of) heart, felt there,interpreted there, and comprehended there.

  9. Enchanted love can be felt with closed eyes.

  10. It's only felt with our hearts, love.......

  11. Isn`t that why we close our eyes as we kiss?

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