
Do you think that Evolution is a fact?

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Inspired by Rebel Man and Jon's quarrel earlier.




  1. No.  I got an email today and it said "if we came from monkeys and apes, why do we still have monkeys and apes?"  I thought that was funny and a good d**n point!

  2. Evolution IS a FACT.  Anybody with an hour of high school education would know that.  Evolution is easily demonstrated in laboratory settings using simple organisms and has been documented countless times in hundreds of texts

    The only question regarding evolution, and the only "theory" regarding evolution deals with whether homo sapiens evolved from other lower primates.  It stands to reason that this is the case, and the necessary "proof" is the so-called 'missing link'

    Oddly, the scientific community refers to it as a 'theory' because, according to the scientific method, it lacks proof to a scientific standard.  In other words, the word "theory" was not chosen to appease the Creationist notion of our origins.  Contrast that consistency with the "Intelligent Design" paradigm, which is about as much of a flip-flop as saying that you were for the war before you were against it.  Yet those knuckleheads try to capitalize on the word "theory" by requiring "theory" disclaimers in science books, while not even considering putting a "fairy tale" disclaimer on their own best-selling book.

  3. I do belive that evolution is a fact, but i only think it has happend with animals or wild life. I do NOT think that we evolved from apes because humans have free will apes go only off of instincts. If we evolved from apes we would just see something we want and take it ( i know some people do that but most dont and it is their CHOSE to do that apes CANNOT CHOOSE if they see food they take it off of INSTINCTS NOT FREE WILL). I am a true follower of God and Jesus, and know that he created us in his own image not in some monkeys. So if someone questions me what about the Neanertals (i cannot spell) or the Homo Sapians and stuff my answer is although in the Bible it saids God created the earth in seven days seven days for God may be 1,000 years for us. I believe the writers of Genesis put it in the 7 days perspective so people of that time could understand how God created the earth. Another example of this in the bible is when Jesus explained himself as a shepherd now adays if Jesus returend to reedem the world he most likely would not talk about shepherds. He talked about shepherds when he came to earth because at that time everyone knew things about shepherds. So now back to evolution maybe all of those ape like creatures were "templates" or first trys for God to create humans kind of like when you make a clay sculpture for the first time you sometimes just practice untill you have the right sculpture. Just a theory though.

  4. Of course, evidence of evolution is provided every day.

    Rene - we didn't come from monkeys. Both monkeys and ourselves evolved from more primitive ancestors. We are ourselves apes, our closest genetic relatives being chimpanzees (we share 95% of the same DNA). But even if we DID come from monkeys and monkeys WERE still around, this doesn't prove that evolution is false. Plenty of species have diverged from other species and those parent species are still extant. Wikipedia explains human evolution and topics such as mutation and natural selection well enough for anyone to understand.

    Charles - actually there are e.g. >

  5. Yes, evolution is a fact... For nature.

    Creation is for man.

    Think about it; It took millions of years for the animals and the Earth to develope as they have, but it only took us less than 75,000 years to walk on the moon???

    C'mon... With all our issues???

  6. Yes of course.

    Jon its 11:38, time for you to scoop one last pile and go home before you turn into a pumpkin at the stroke of midnight.

    And another afternoon shift bites the dust.

    Such narcissistic rage you've displayed tonight.  

    Really outdone yourself this time.

  7. Evolution is a "puzzle", whose "pieces" are bones of all the different Species that have gone before Us. Those "bones" tell a "Story" over Time... -and while we may NOT be able to be SURE Exactly how that Story went, we can be PRETTY SURE (when we have enough "pieces") that Evolution was behind it... :)

  8. Evolution is a THEORY. As in "the theory of evolution".

    It's a way of thinking about something that looks at available information and develops an explanation based on facts.

    It's a useful theory in that it provides a workable explanation for lots of events in our world.

    It's better than what went before ("some invisible guy on a cloud said 'go' and that began the human race") and probably lacking from the point of view of ten thousand years in the future.

    But it's where we're at, now.

    Cheers :-)

  9. Evolution, the change in allele frequency over time in a population of organisms is an observed fact and is still being observed.

    Of course, you do not know what you are talking about, so just keep blathering. Maybe your husband does not mind,but such willful ignorance appalls me.

    Now look what you have done. I had to give Untamed Rose a thumbs up!

    And spare us those " sources " from Calvary Academy, Rebel.

    You and Object need to start a service for people needing useless sources from people uneducated!

    Rebel, there is no hope for you. You do not even know that evolution does not deal with the beginning of life, only after life began does evolution come into play. Abiogenes is the hypothesis about life's beginning. And then you use an argument from ignorance. We can not explain something, so " magic man " done it. Actually we know more about this than you think.

    Evolution by natural selection is a directed and not random process and it has nothing to do with the beginning of the universe and the beginning of life.

    Your ignorance on this subject is unbelievable!! How can you argue the subject being so ill informed about the processes involved. I have lost all respect for you tonight.

    I am going to bed. This has been a most disappointing night at GWS!!!!!!!!!!!

    The weather systems of the world are directed; by the sun! How can anyone be so obtuse?

    I think those holes may just be in your head, but are certainly in your arguments and lack of evidence.

    You are an ignoramous! The sun and the corriolis effect set the weather patterens of the world in the great uptake of air from the equator to the polar regions. Your questions were answered many times over by this post and the real sites I posted earlier, so now you are just not telling the truth. You and " Object " have more in common than you think.

    Got you broom ready for you 12:00am getaway, " Baba Yaga?  How was the corner tonight?

    We all are apes, Baba Yaga and I was speaking of " Woe Is Me ", who happened to be named Baba Yaga when she first came on here.

    Of course, if you were not mistaken, then you can join your namesake in her propagaton of eternal victimhood.

  10. What do you mean, that humanity is sure to evolve? Of course it will!

  11. Three questions tonight inspired by me.

    It depends on what you mean.  Microevolution, which is basically the fact that species change over time, is pretty much indisputable.  Species do become extinct, and certain traits in different species become more pronounced for survival reasons.

    Macroevolution is probably what you're referring to, and is what most people are when they use the word evolution.  That's the theory that all organisms come from the same original organism back a long, long time ago, and species change from one to another.  There isn't a lot of real evidence to support that, except for some stuff that's been fabricated.  Besides, the whole theory has huge holes in it.  My biology teacher in college pointed out many of them to me.  I wish I could put the stuff he showed me on here, but I can't do it since it's not on the Internet or a computer.  It's probably out there somewhere though.

    So no, I don't believe in macroevolution.  There might be a slight bit of it that's true, but certainly not much if any.

    I have a few links discussing the problems of evolution on your other question.  Maybe I'll even copy and paste them in a little while.

    Jon- If you really look at the theory of evolution as a whole, you'll see it's wacky too.  It does nothing to explain where life really comes from.  Does it really make more sense to think the world just suddenly formed out of a bunch of matter or that it was created?  Do you think the building you're sitting in right now just formed from a bunch of dust?  The same is true with living organisms.  It takes a lot more far-fetched blind faith to think they just suddenly appeared than they were created.

    I don't care.  I'm not here to earn your respect and could care less if I have it or not.  There are tons of holes in the theory of evolution.  That's just the way it is.  

    If you say it's directed, doesn't that point to some higher power?

    That didn't answer my question at all.  There's a lot more to evolution than the weather.  Besides, the sun only influences, it doesn't control anything.  Talk about somebody not knowing their theories here.  

    But that's enough for me tonight on this subject.

    Never mind.  I had to come back one last time to see what childish and immature insult Jon could come up with this time.  Jon apparently can't debate intelligently anymore, so he resorts to insults in between his half-answers and half-truths.  I shall not lower myself to that level.  For all the things you say about Woe is Me doing that Jon, you're a lot more similar than you'd like to hear.

  12. Evolution is a fact - look at jon.  He's about as close to an ape as you can get.

  13. Anybody who wants to take the latest, greatest flu vaccine should be required to sign an acknowledgment that evolution is a fact. But we have a lot of idiots in this country who want to believe in science when it will keep them from shitting water but not when it tells them that they are quite obviously related to the other noble primate species.

  14. I Know evolution is a fact. Evolution is a continuing process that is a part of all life, including us.

    Edit: yes a theory About evolution and how it works as a process is a theory. And a scientific theory by definition can be tested and is possible to falsify by facts that disprove it.

    But that there is evolution is fact w/o question.

  15. Facts can be proven.  An example of a fact are the existence of dinosaurs.  There are thousands of complete fossils on display in museums, so we know they existed.  If evolution spanned millions of years, there would be tens of millions of complete skeletal fossils, some on display at museums.  There are exactly zero, but lots of dinosaurs.  Facts can be proven.

  16. yes

  17. The only fact that I have is my own existence.  And I'm not sure what form that truly is.

  18. Umm ya...there is evidence of evolution every where.

  19. Based on evidence yes. The churches alternate theory is based on belief.

  20. I'm not completely sure that it's 100% factual, but when I studied it this semester, its credibility far surpassed that of any other theory I'd heard.

  21. the evidence points to yes.

  22. I believe in intelligent design.  This combines the theory of evolution and creation as it is described in Genesis.  I think the time line offered in Genesis was actually much longer.  It is too much of a coincidence that the order presented by Darwin and the order presented in the Bible match.  So, yes, I believe Darwin is correct, but so is the Bible.

  23. Yeah I do believe in it.  At the same time, I doubt science will ever be able to explain why we are are here - and the big bang theory does nothing to answer that question.  It seems to me, that however far back science goes, it will never be able to answer the question of how something could come from nothing - or how something could always have existed - or where the space came from for the something to have exploded into - so whilst I'm not religious, and I don't believe in intelligent design, I think the gaping holes in what science can tell us will always leave room for a little faith :-)

    Edit - by the way, we did not evolve from apes - apes are as evolved as we are, just in a different direction - we are descended from a common ancestor that was neither human nor ape.  I have nothing against jonmcn, but he strikes me as very emotional and retaliatory for someone who is supposed to be a disinterested scientific observer - and I'm not cool with the way he feels the need to insult people that he disagrees with :-)

  24. I have to come out in support of Jonmcn. There may be those who don't care for his style, but the argument is 100% solid. The only handle religionists can get on this (or those so unsure they talk of 'higher powers') is the unrelated question concerning the beginning of the universe.

    Not knowing the origin of trees (although I do) would not mean I can't observe it's life cycle in the most reasonable, evidence-based way. Anyone trying to add silly meta-arguments to this is being ridiculous.

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