
Do you think that Ferer lost because he had mononucleosis?

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When people talk about his bad results this year ,i always hear that it is just because he was ill.And by the beginn of the year a lot of people was saying that Nadal will not win any majors Tournament because of his knee problem,but he won yesterday.Was is it just because Federer had mononucleosis?




  1. lol to the above comment:

    1) Federer hasn't had to face Rafa Nadal before the finals for the past 3 years. Djoko has been doing that for the past 3 years.

    2) Federer at Djoko's age was knocked out in the 1st round. At Djoko+1 age he was knocked out in the first round and at Djoko+2 age he was knocked out in the 3rd round.

  2. I think that Roger had a bad start to his season with is illness, and never recovered mentally and physically from it!  We'll see what happens at the beginning of next year.  

    I am a Roger Federer fan, but I think he just got whipped by the better player.  If he had been 100% prepared, I think it would have been closer, but Nadal just looked to awesome throughout the entire tournament.  Nadal owns Roland Garros.

    If Roger can't repeat at Wimbledon, then I would say that he's on a downward least for this year.  But I predict that Roger will be a different player 'in his house'.

  3. Federer brought it up and here's what he had to say about it:

    Q. He is always much better than you on clay. Is he getting closer to you on grass?

    ROGER FEDERER: Well, we just played each other once on grass in Wimbledon. We played each other quite a few times on clay. I don't think we've had many matches on hard surfaces this year, but he is improving as a player.

    I improved, as well, this year. But I think I had to work harder to come back to my usual level after I had this disease. It was a bit difficult for me at the beginning of this year. This is probably why I lacked practice. It's a lot like for him two, three years ago when he had been injured, and you know, I was coming back.

    So you need to put more effort to reach this level, and this is what I had to do. So it's a great satisfaction for me too, that I reached a final.

    Of course, defeat is difficult today. I also feel how much Rafa has progressed on clay, but we'll see in the future if he is stronger on grass or on hard surfaces.

    Q. Imagine it's 2009 and this little fairy comes to you and says, You're going to win one tournament, but you have to choose: Wimbledon or Roland Garros. Which one?

    ROGER FEDERER: I don't want to answer these stupid questions anymore. They're too stupid.

    Q. But why?

    ROGER FEDERER: Because I want to win at everything. I have no preference.

    Q. You talked about your disease and the problems you had at the beginning of this season, and all the hard work you had to put in to come back to your best level. Many times during this tournament you said that you felt you were at 100% of your physical abilities. Now tell us the truth. Weren't you lying a bit to us about that? And do you genuinely feel at the top level, the level you were at before your disease?

    ROGER FEDERER: Honestly, yes. I felt good today from a physical standpoint, but things turned out a bit more difficult for me than usual. He no longer plays short balls as he did in the past. You can no longer attack him on his forehand, as I could in the past. He is getting much more aggressive, and it's becoming much more difficult.

    I tried to fight him physically speaking and points were not difficult for me, but he was just much stronger than me today. I didn't want to give him any free points, but it's got nothing to do with mental state or physical state. He was just stronger today.

    Q. You're still No. 1. That's good.

    ROGER FEDERER: Thank you. I'm happy you say so.

  4. I think it is because they play on clay in France and no place else. Nadal only wins on clay and Federer never wins on clay

  5. Nadal said he couldn't figure out why Federer wasn't playing so tough as normal.  Roger made a point to say it wasn't mono. However, I think it at the very least, effected his training, which in turn would affect his strength and speed. My personal opinion is that he still has the effects of it. It hit him at the AO, and typically lasts at least 8 mos.  Look up what other players who had it, and what they did in response. None of them, not one, made it to the finals or semi-finals.

    Roger Federer broke records making it to the Final of the French, he already past pete samprass and others in that. Djoko never made it to a French final yet.  I think Djoko is good, but I think the newbies are going to pass him.

  6. not really.. federer said he has recovered completely from mono... nadal was on fire during this whole tournament and he won all of his matches easily except for that last set against djokovic.. it wasn't only federer's match... the way federer played yesterday is inexplicable though!!!!

  7. IDK exactly but I wish Nadal would wear a proper outfit on to the court.

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