
Do you think that Florida tourism industry is going down after 11 sept 2001 attacks.?

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Do you think that Florida tourism industry is going down after 11 sept 2001 attacks.?




  1. No. The cost of travel is getting pretty high and that's the reason why. I live in Florida. Gas prices kept a lot of people home for vacations because it costs a lot. Not only gas prices but because of that, everything went up. We still see a TON of tourists though. Our state relies on tourism for our taxes. So it hasn't gone down THAT much. But for people that would normally take a road trip or a small vacation down here, it's hard to do.

    Now, everyone has this stereotype that for us Floridians, we basically have a vacation everyday and travel to Disney World, etc ALL the time! That's not true. Even THAT is a vacation for us. Just because we live here doesn't mean it's one long vacation. It's quite the opposite. We have one of the lowest minimum wages in the entire US. It took a long time to bring it up to whatever it is now. (Just think, a year and half ago, it was $5.15/hour. And all the retirees down here thought that's enough for people to live off of.)

    Add in all the airlines that go out of business and every problem we've had for awhile. It's still a vacation to people and people still travel here by the droves.

    Only problem I have with it is: Tourists don't know how to drive!

  2. I think tourism in America has gone down since the attacks on September 11th, not just in Florida but everywhere.  I believe that people were scared to travel after the attacks and then of course our economy took a hit a few years later.  I think that now people are over the fear of traveling however they just can’t with the price of gas or airline prices that just keep rising.  It is getting harder and harder for families to afford the basic things they need much less a vacation.  However I don’t think that travel for non US citizens has decreased.  It seems that people from other countries are still coming to the US and still traveling to FL.  I was just in FL a week ago and there were a ton of foreign tourist there, not very many Americas however.  Hopefully the economy will improve and people will start going on vacation again.  When a city looses tourist there are so many more industries affected by the loss that the whole city will feel a huge impact.  I hope this helps you.

  3. No its going down because people are starting to realize that there are better places to go and Floridas pretty boring.

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