
Do you think that GOD expectation on us is to high compare to our capabilities ?

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Do you think that GOD expectation on us is to high compare to our capabilities ?




  1. No: I don't believe any fictional character has expectations beyond our capabilities.

  2. That's why infinite forgiveness exists.

    God's smart enough to know we're only human.

    It's the clergy who see the simplicity of Christ's message as an opportunity to expand their own power who ruin it.

  3. No.

    I just think he's expecting the wrong thing.

  4. Since there is no god, the question is without meaning.

    The humans who invent and carry on the fiction of fictional sky pixies should be ignored in their demands. They have no authority, and shouldn't have any authority over anyone other than themselves.  

  5. That's just the point

    God demands perfection in everything, and as sin-stained human beings, we will never be able to meet God's expectations.  It is Jesus being the final sacrifice that we rely on to allow us to achieve that spiritual perfection that lets us be acceptable in God's eyes

  6. Your question makes no sense.

  7. We make the expectations too high for ourselves. God doesn't expect us to be perfect , but he doesn't tolerate evil either. If you believe in God, then you'll know that all he wants for us is to be truly happy inside & that begins with a clean spirit. God is also forgiving if you truly mean well or sincerely try hard. He knows our capabilities already so his only expectation would be a full happy life helping others & making the most of this life in relation to all around you.  

  8. Not really.  Only our pride and greed keep us from meeting the expectations.

    look at what the expectations are:

    1.  Worship only the God that ceated you.

    2. Don't make any idols to worship (kinda goes with #1)

    3. don't take the name of God in vain.

    4.  Keep the Sabbath (Work 6 days and Rest for one day a week.)

    5. Honor your father and Mother

    6. Don't have s*x with anyone who is not your spouse

    7. Don't commit murder

    8. Don't lie about people

    9. Don't steal from people

    10. Be grateful for what you have not what you don't have

    Are the expectations really that High?  I don't think so.

  9. No, actually they are low:

    Humble yourselves before God and He will exhalt you.

    God resists the proud but gives grace to the humble.

  10. It would seem so.

    The most painful, dimwitted Christian answer that is trotted out in here is "we are not able, capable to understand god, why he does things" etc.

    Yet they think is perfectly O.k for him to send us, his apparently deliberately flawed beings, to h**l for not doing what he wants....

    Its like me telling a cage of hamsters to worship me, and then boiling them in oil when they don't...... BECAUSE I LOVE THEM SO!!!!

    A little bit sick and totally retarded....

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