
Do you think that Gary Glitters reluctance to return is due too the fact they are talking about confiscating?

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the passports off paedophiles to stop them travailing. He wants to come back get a bit of NHS treatment then p..s off back to some third world country where he can continue his predilections for young girls.




  1. hmm I know, they should put paedo's in the military.. on the front line. Strength in numbers and all that

  2. Its possible...the Independent here makes good reading...

  3. you bet ye.

  4. He should be permanently locked up on return to the UK.

    By the looks of the paparazzi on the plane earlier, his life will be h**l in the UK anyway.

    But don't forget that according to the NSPCC  7 out of 10 child rapes are committed by fathers.  

    Add to that the fact that, according to national UK police figures, 8 out of 10 murdered women were killed by their husbands, and you won't wonder that human males are too dangerous to have around the house.

    It's not the paedo lurking behind the tree that will get your child, in most cases it will be their daddy.

    Sad but true, and no one is doing anything about it.  

  5. it has to do with his fear of being publicly flogged.

  6. Really. I thought they would be able to claim their Human Rights would be affected if they can't travel. They should lose them for starters.

  7. Totally.

    See my Q, posted 2 seconds before yours.

    Great minds my dear.

    He should be hand & ankle cuffed and dragged up the plane steps by his disgusting goat beard.

    Then booted up the gangway into his seat.

    On second thoughts, just boot him up the gangway and make him stand up all the way home at the back of the plane, where it's coldest.

  8. He should be flown home as a VIP. Complete with red carpet treatment. As soon as his vile feet touch the carpet the three million mega Volt switch should be switched on and he will disappear in thin air, leaving his wig behind as a reminder to other paedophiles what welcome they can expect.

  9. Interesting - what an oxygen thief.

  10. probably.

    one thing a determined but not sorry paedo, can't stand is being

    1 caught out.

    2 openly condemned.

    3 prevented from re-offending.

    sadly when I read details surrounding glitter about 6 months ago, long before his release filled the headlines, I was shocked to find out there are places in the world where child s*x, child p**n & pervert tourists are

    ( dread to think ) encouraged & allowed,

    the local police & officials turn a blind eye.

    It's the difference between life & death in some of the poorest communities of the world.

    But to know where these places are You would need to be a paedophile!

    So I never did find out, I really didn't want to know.

    but bet creepy glitter knows where they are!

    & since his incarceration in vietnam his bank account MAY have grown to £ 5M.

    Now that is scary.

    A broke pervert is easy to monitor BUT a pervert with millions, is not so easy.

    It should be but alas more money means they can afford legal advice on how to wiggle, bend the rules & stall the justice system.

  11. He knows that when he comes back to the UK that he will be taken to the police and they can keep track of the sick b*****d. When he was in jail I daresay he had an easy time because he probably bribed the prison guards. What I find hard to take is the fact that he comes back over here and wants treatment for a bad heart typical when there are more deserving cases than him. Doctors will end up saving this *** holes life.

  12. Confiscate the passports of paedophiles?  Why does the Government think that the public wants this type of person in England?  Let them keep their passports and lets encourage them to go somewhere else, out of our way.

  13. If he's had a heart attack I'll eat my hamster!

  14. He should have no rights to refuse, he should be deported immediately and have his passport confiscated immediately

  15. With respect for all the ladies in Current Events,  that pedo wouldn't know what to do with a real woman.... so he turns to babies.  We should put them in the British Army, send him to Afghanistan with a tattoo on his forehead "I'M  A  CONVICTED  PEDO !" then see what those Muslims would do to him. -- First they would make him handless... then penniless (and I don't mean money)... then hopefully lifeless....

  16. Don't worry!! Our government has said that they will treat him like any other person on the s*x offenders register. So therefore, expect him to come back, get treated and then bugger off again. Maybe with even a little extra money in his pocket.

    Mark my words, he will be at it again!

  17. He wants to avoid the scrutiny that would dog him for the rest of his life.  Foreign countries might give less scrutiny but then they do have much harsher police, courts and prisons.

    And think - if he returns to the UK the man would probably qualify for police protection at huge expense!!

  18. I'm surprised that he isn't screaming that it is against his human rights to be sent back here.

  19. The only treatment he should have on the NHS is euthanasia.

  20. i expect so, i think he is worried about being hurt too

    what a shame he should have thought of that before he became a sicko

  21. chuck him naked into a shower room of desperate men on death row. he can be their final party !!!!1

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