
Do you think that Global Warming is a conspiracy?

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ever since i watched the inconvient truth i thought it was a big deal, porr little polar bears :-( but ive heard a bunch of people say its just c**p to get money, so im just really confused. so do you think that global warming is a conspiracy or not?




  1. Yes, it is. That makes Al Gore a very rich man, who should be thankful for not being elected to be the president.

  2. global warming is true 8 months ago i had to have my heating on now i don't have it on at all

    there for global warming must be happening

  3. Global Warming is a government conspiracy. =P

  4. In some way, large or small, everything under the sun is a conspiracy.

  5. The warming part isn't.  It's a proven fact that the planet goes through warming and cooling cycles, always has and always will.  Though right now, evidence shows that the warming stopped around 1998 and it's been cooling slightly since.

    The conspiracy part is the attempt by those who stand to gain a whole lot of power and money, if they are successful at it, of convincing you that YOU are the cause, and to fix it, you need to change your way of life and pay massive taxes.

  6. The Inconvenient Truth was really badly done - they used examples like some lake drying up, when it does that every year, and their graph was 800 years out of date, they just fiddled with it to make it look like a tragedy!

    If you actually research it, you find that this has happened before - way before humans!  The earth goes in a cycle of hot and cold and we are heading into another one - nothing to be afraid of though!  If we get warmer our plants will grow faster and then the balance will swap again.  

    I think this mostly started when Maggie Thatcher decided she wanted nuclear power, so she hired loads of scientists to research whether or not nuclear would be better for the environment - and lo and behold - one or two did.  The majority of scientists still say its a load of bull though.

    Edit - also, the North Pole, for Digitboy, you know how you see all these photographs of it melting - its called Spring!  It does this every year, then it comes back again.  But its a good newspaper seller though isn't it?  Saying that the poor polar bears are all going to drown - their biggest risk is us hunting them, I'm sure they don't give a damm about global warming.

  7. Hey! lol

    No global warming is not a conspiracy.  We all experience it everyday.  I know over here in Canada during the Winter it used to be very common to get - 40°C and get like 20 cm of snow easily, but lately we only make it to like -20°C and not as much snow; this is all a result of global warming.  Summers are especially hotter over here now (which is messed up lol) and as a result the polar bears are actually dying up north.  Now I guess governments can use this as as a campaigning idea and act all "green", but it actually is a reality that most people don't see as very serious yet.  Not to be pessimistic, but planet Earth is really going downhill.

  8. Of course it is.

  9. The people who don't believe global warming is happening are the same people who don't believe that Neil Armstrong walked on the moon.  I think there is plenty of evidence that supports global warming.

  10. Not at all.  The north pole is shrinking so fast that the ice may be gone by the end of this summer.  Virtually no scientist expects it to last more than 5 more years at the most.  The habitat of polar bears is literally disappearing before our very eyes.

  11. Its all about the money:

    1. Al Gore is a fat, stinking hypocrite. We'll cover his energy gorging next time. For now, let's focus on his motives. There's a famous quote by Al that I've always loved; "I live a carbon-neutral life, and both of my businesses are carbon neutral." The fact is, he's not even on the same planet as carbon-neutral, but here's the real story. He tells us his conscience is clear because he buys "carbon offsets". What Gore doesn't say is that the "offsets" he buys are from his own company, GIM (Generation Investment Management). He's saving the planet by investing in his own company?

    2. Yeah, good ole Texas oil man T. Boone Pickens has a plan for alternative energy too. He's spending a TON of money to let us know that the country needs to break it's addiction to oil and switch to wind. Surely that has NOTHING to do with the fact that he's invested $2 billion to build wind turbines, and is working on hooking up a power grid from the wind farms in West Texas all the way to Dallas. The great thing about wind as opposed to oil is, wind is subsidized by the taxpayer dollars to the tune of $25 per kilowatt hour. In other words, we pay his expenses, HE reaps the profit. There's more. At Pickens behest, the Texas Legislature changed a law allowing him, through his wife and ranch manager, eminent domain rights over 200,000 acres worth of groundwater rights in Roberts, Texas that could bolster his budget another $1 billion. But it's all about the planet, right?

    3. The list of scientists who've signed a petition stating their opposition to the ‘consensus’ (that man-made global warming is real) is now 31,000 strong and growing...9000 of whom are PHD's. You can visit the site at

    4. Well, it's interesting that in the last 10 years, the temperature has remained steady, and in fact last year, declined. It almost seems like that 2 million degree burning ORB in the sky, THE SUN...had something to do with the temperature on this planet!?!?! During the warmer '90's, solar flares were at their peak...over the past decade, solar activity has returned to normal.

  12. somewhat. i think that earth is definitely being ruined and it is showing that by the condition of it now. however, things the gov't uses to PROVE global warming doesnt really prove it too well. things like temp. fluctuations have been around since the beginning of time

  13. You don't need to be a scientist to realise that pumping clouds of pollutants into the atmosphere is not a good idea.

    You don't have to have a degree in geology to know that oil, which took millions of years to form, is a finite resource.

    And you don't need to a mathematician to work out that it's a safe bet to try and reduce carbon dependency - because if you're wrong oil consumption has at least been preserved for your children's children and the air's a little cleaner. Whereas if global warming is happening  - and you do nothing ! !

  14. According to an old drunk Irishman I met at the pub, Global Warming, The Kennedy assassination, 9/11 and the Holocaust are all conspiracies devised by the Freemasons.

  15. It'd be cool if it was.

  16. No, it's really not. It's been scientifically proven. You'd have to be really ignorant to say it's a conspiracy theory. Only like, really intense republicans say that. Don't believe it. It really is happening.

  17. I do know that global warming is ocurring. The current debate seems to be on whether its man made or simply made by the sun. See 'the global warming swindle on google video. Some argue it is a conspiracy/ploy created by the extreme left in order to advance their agendas such as regulating the economy through a carbon tax. Although I think the carbon tax is a good idea, their version would allow for the goverment to close down your bussiness if it exceeded a quota. Furthermore,iIf the quota of CO2 is regulated worldwide, it stifles growth in foreign countries, and forceseverybody to abide by the tyranny of an overwatch united nations, spurred by the US, to control global growth. It is the same totalitarian mentality behind controlling the economy in communism I suppose. These ideas in turn, allow for an enviroment where grants/money go to research that proves man made global warming by politicians in washington. So that in the end, they can further their agenda to an increasingly progressive/leftist society.

    What I do think we are doing is altering the chemical and biological nature of the planet. We are harming the biosphere. We may be even increasing temperatures near city areas. However, whether we are increasing/de-stabalizing temperatures/climate what have you worldwide, thats another matter. The most likely culpri of 'global warming' (or global climate change) is the sun.

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