
Do you think that HIC at summerslam 08 should hav been longer?

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Do you think that HIC at summerslam 08 should hav been longer?




  1. Yea should have been alil longer, and I couldnt believe that neither Taker or Edge was cut open, that would have been AWESOME! An the PPV did end like 20 mintues early. But still the best match of the night!  

  2. they dont go on top of the cell anymore because its too risky

    The mankind/Undertaker match where Undertaker chokeslam mankind on top of the cell

    he wasn't suppose to go through it(even though it made it better) so they dont allow them to fight on top of the cell anymore

  3. maybe a little longer and definitely a lot bloodier, that's the whole point of h**l in a cell!  

  4. Yeah, Although the whole PPV seemed a bit rushed, It finished like 20 minutes early I think

  5. Yes it was the only thing the fans have been waiting for since the day Vickie has announced that Undertaker was reinstated. But like Adamle said, there was one match more for Summerslam 2008.

  6. yeah,and it would be nicer

  7. Could have been a bit longer but it was still a kickass match.

  8. It did seem a bit short but it was all good. Seeing it live was awesome!! We were up in the balcony and could actually feel the heat from the flames in our was awesome!

  9. ya should have been longer i am disappointed that they didnt go on top of cell and wat i thought was that when edge confronted mick foley i thought when undertaker through mick off cell onto announcer table i thought he was gonna do the same to edge but i was very disappointed that he didnt. if he did do that then it would have made the match 10 times better.

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