
Do you think that Hillary Clinton is being discriminated for her gender and her color in this campaign?

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I belong to a minority group too (asian) but I'm not complaining about how I'm being treated. Hearing many discussions & interviews over TV; seeing reactions from co-worker about why they are rejecting Hillary, I can't help myself to wonder what really are the reasons Hillary is being rejected by so many. Isn't that discrimination in itself? Who feel the same way?




  1. Not by her opponent, but definitely by others. I object to Hillary because she flips repeatedly on answers, her basis for her "experience" in the White House is not backed by factual record, she has lied about details (hence the sniper fire), has a problem with keeping her policies straight, and caters to get the vote. She also steals ideas from other candidates and plays the 's*x card' to act a victim despite the fact she denies making it an issue.

  2. Regarding Hillary, she will lie about any and every thing to get elected, which has already been proven, she is a liar. There is no discrimination against her, in any way. What certain group a person belongs to makes no difference, it is the person them self. Hillary will lie, blackmail, steal and kill to get what she wants.  She is dangerous to this country, and people need to wake up. Using the gender or race card is a low life way of trying to put people on a guilt trip to vote for them, only proves they know them self that they are not a qualified person for the job.

  3. no its because people are still annoyed by the first Clinton go around

  4. No.  Her idea that I should not be responsible for myself financially for my own health, that I should pay more taxes, that she has no spine when it comes to the war.  She is unpatriotic.  She is a liar.  She doesn't support the constitution of the united states.  She is too forgetful about when she had snipers trying to kill her.  This is all before I could even mention anything about her being a white woman.  Oh and she likes the idea of taking away freedom from people. That is why people hate her!

  5. i dont think its because of her gender and color it's that she doesnt seem to know much of what she is talking about.  Like at first she supported the war and now she doesnt.  Also that Obama knows what he's talking about.

  6. I reject Hilary for the same reasons I reject her husband. They are both LIARS and poor excuses for human beings.

    Hillary has been caught in several lies in the last week. These are in addition to the ones she has been getting caught in ever since 1992. I don't trust her.

    I don't know what her race or gender have to do with it since I didn't vote for Jesse Jackson , Al Sharpton, Big Pimpin Bill Clinton , G.W. Bush, or anybody else I did not think would do a good job. I was right about them and I am right about her.

  7. Hillary Clinton has run the worst campaign in US history.

    She blew 130 million dollars on nothing and she  is more than 8.9 million in debt and broke.

    Her campaign staff is incompetent and  she has fired a lot of people.

    At this point her campaign is on a death watch.

  8. yeah. i agree. my friend(guy) made a comment that he doesnt want to vote for Hillary because she sounds like a bossy woman and he wouldn't want to be under the rule of one. I thought that was sO sexist!

    I'm worried that history repeats itself. Black man got the right to vote before Women.

    I hope its not due to discrimination when someone wins Presidency.

  9. no shes being hated on because shes a dumb *** that doesnt know what shes doing

  10. not all its beacause of her campaign which is nasty and uneffective and her refusal to do whats right for party and country quit

  11. i wouldn't have a problem voting for a woman, or a black,    but there is nothing i like about hillary's positions, or obama's positions,  they just are poor candidates with poor ideologies.  i believe MOST americans would vote for minority groups or women, but the dems do seem to have a problem basing things on race and s*x instead of on merit.  let's make a deal, how about rice? then we have a black woman who's smart with good ideas!

    i would make one exception that i think gets misconstrued as racism or sexism, or whatever ism you pick.  if racial tensions where high, i would consider the consequences of a black man as president.  if we were having severe problems with jewish issues, it might make me think twice, not because of my feelings towards the candidate, but because of what the fallout might be.

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