
Do you think that I have pulled muscle?

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I started lifting weights about two days ago. The next day both of my arms were sore but my left arm hurt a lot more than my right, Today, I barley feel any soreness in my right arm but my left arm is still sore. It hurts whenever I try to straighten my left arm. I am afraid I may have pulled something.




  1. i wouldn't think so, your right arm may just be stronger than your left arm and so a general rule in weightlifting is if it hurts more than a week, something is wrong, but other than that it's fine.

  2. It could be a low grade muscle strain, but doesn't sound like it's too serious, especially if you didn't really feel pain at the time.

    What you may be experiencing is called delayed onset muscle soreness, which is common when lifting weights or doing activity you are not accustomed to doing.  It usually peaks 24-48 hours after the activity and tapers off over the next few days.

    Take it easy for a few days, see how it feels, and if it still is sore or if you experience some weakness, it may be a higher grade of a strain.  Put some ice on it in the mean time, will help with the inflammation (if present) .

    Hope that helps!

  3. If you just started lifting weights you can experience pain, tightness and loss of range of motion in your arms. This is the normal response to weight training especially if it is your first time. If you are more sore in your left arm it may be because you are compensating for being right side dominant or your right arm is used more often than your left (especially for weight bearing).

    Remember to stretch before and after your workouts. NSAIDs like ibuprofen (Motrin) will help with the pain and inflammation. Drink lots of water. You can use an ice pack up to 48 hours the time of workout. Also, topical creams like Icy Hot may help minimize the pain.

    When you work out you are essentially tearing down muscle fiber, which will eventually heal stronger. Just go light the first 2-3 weeks as you get your body used to the extra work out. Gradually, you can increase the amount of weight you are lifting as the pain starts to subside.

    Make sure you are using the proper form for machines and free weights. You can find plenty of online guides and videos (Youtube). Also, it is important to have a spotter when lifting.

    **If the pain is intolerable, lasts more than a week or you feel anything abnormal (other than mild pain) consult a physician**

  4. u might have pulled a muscle but it could also be that u just started lifting weights a couple of days ago and your body isnt use to it.

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