
Do you think that IMPORTANT things are always OBVIOUS or we have to DISCOVER them??

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:) have a good everyone :)




  1. Full of rubbish! can u dial Super800 to clear it away? beep beep beep!


    So simple lah.

    A good deed can be hide safe and sound. no matters how much trillions worthy u try to diggy it, it will nevers surface for u unless u are setting up someone's life by your bad deed.

    Also, A bad deed cannot be hide safe and sound eternally because the bad deed evidences have their own Freak ways to surface up to the law of justice bright side even  it is u did not diggy it out yourself.

    I think it's motherearth law of

  2. 8 Even the important things that are obvious and have been discovered by each individual are not coordinated in the brains of the vast majority. Everyone knows and keeps rediscovering that we all need each other. Yet, most of the time, people forget this and have wars as though each life were separate and causes didn't produce effects.

  3. Important things have to be sifted out from mundane things. You need to develop an eye for them, My personal experience is that I always look out for them and try focusing on them.

  4. but who gets to decide what is important?

  5. We only realize importance once we need it but don't have it, or briefly lose it.

    That moment is rarely obvious.

  6. "It takes no talent to see what is under one's nose, but it takes a great deal to know in which direction to point that organ." --W. H. Auden

    What is discovered seems evident after it has been discovered. Before then, not so.

  7. As the Little Prince says, "One sees clearly only with the heart. Anything essential is invisible to the eyes."

  8. Yes.

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