
Do you think that Israel is going to bomb Iran?

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it seams that alot of the answers i got from my other question is that israel is the one to do it frankly i think they are scared to do it




  1. Yes.

    Israel - scared? Bwaaaa hahahaha

    They'll do it when they're good and ready and I can't blame them a bit although I know it'll be h**l on Earth when they do.

  2. oh no, they aren't scared.  Israel is not scared of anything, believe me.  They are biting at the bit - imo. Do I think they will do it - only time will tell, but Israel will not wait patiently forever for Iran to cooperate with U.N. demands.

  3. FACT: Iran has not made any threat to start a war.

    FACT: Iran has no nuclear weapons

    FACT: Iran has signed the UN Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty.

    FACT: Iran has allowed IAEA/UN weapons inspectors onto her soil.

    FACT: Iran has offered additional guarantees to the international community to demonstrate no nuclear weapons are being constructed.

    FACT: Israel has refused to sign the UN Treaty

    FACT: Israel will not allow UN Weapons Inspectors onto her soil.

    FACT: Israel ignores UN resolutions.

    FACT: Only one country has ever used nuclear weapons.

    FACT: UN/IAEA confirm there are no Iranian nuclear weapons.

    FACT: CIA confirm there are no Iranian nuclear weapons.

    FACT: USA claimed Iraq had WMD and were wrong the last time.

    FACT: Neither Israel nor USA have offered any credible evidence regarding their claims about Iran and nuclear weapons.

    For more, go to:

  4. This is a good question, but you are mistaken.  Israel is not scared in the least.  They weren't scared to bomb the Iraqi Osirisk reator in '81, or the Syrian reactor in September of 2007.  Believe me, Israel will NOT allow the man who has VOWED to wipe them off the map obtain the most destructive weapon on the planet.  Iran's only option is to launch primitive Shahab missiles, which have an accuracy range of one kilometer.  Israel has the top military in the region.  They will strike if necessary, and it is necessary right now.  They are just giving the international community time to see that Iran won't stop no matter how many sanctions are placed on it.  If the past has taught us anything, it's that Israel takes it's safety very seriously, and it won't let a theological extremist take the lives of it's 7 million people.  Israel will not "bomb Iran", p***e, but will launch an air campaign on the nuclear facilities.  Civilians wil not be the targets.  If Iran does not halt it's enrichment program, which it even claims to be doing, then yes, Israel will take out it's nuclear facilities.

  5. No,

    Diplomatically, they won't touch it unless absolutely forced to, or fed severe data by Intelligence that they need to defend themselves.

    But no - It wouldn't be their 1st choice, nor would they make such a rash decision.  I believe they know the U.S. has their back, and will help them if it ever came to that.

    We can't just go around 'bombing' other countries, but talking about it never seems to go away.  As long as it's "Just Talk".

  6. They already blew up a secret nuclear site in Syria, I can't see why they would be afraid to hit Iran.  It's only the US that is holding them back right now.  They are only waiting to see what happens next with negotiations, and to see if Ahneedashave even makes it past the next elections, seeing as since he's been in control inflation is up 40% and 23% year on year in June due to his poor economic policies, they may not even have to worry about it for much longer, he's just another version of Mugabe.  All talk, no brains.

  7. If your back was to the sea you'd be scared, too.

  8. Seems unlikely, it's more likely they are trying to goad/trick the USA into doing it. Consider:

    1. Israel has very limited ability to strike at Iran, it's very far away and they couldn't conduct a serious air war. So they could only do limited damage.

    2. It would cause all sorts of problems for them, diplomatic and otherwise.

    3. Iran, even an Iran with a few fifties eras nukes, poses basically zero threat to Israel (Israel has hundred of modern accurate nuclear warheads.)

    4. Israel hasn't even tried to hide their threat, even going so far as to fly a "training mission" to the skies near Greece (the same distance Iran is from Israel.) If you are actually planning on attacking someone, do you give them lots of advance warning? Of course not.

    So, no, Israel is not going to attack Iran. (And Iran isn't going to attack Israel, that's an even sillier idea, Iran has been around for thousands of years, they aren't suicidal.)

  9. personally i think it will be a joint mission , isreali air force + u.s.  tomahawk missles

  10. If they want to help the regime in Iran they should do it! Why?? Because attacking Iran will only result in people (who hate the clergy) backing them in the face of an outside attack.

  11. Is shrub stupid enough to tell Israel to do it? Absolutely.

    We are just one step closer to species extermination.

  12. I hope they do it.  Nuke em.  Send them all to h**l! Those heathens deserve what they get.

  13. The Israelis are not afraid to bomb Iran.. If there is a reason why they are not going to, because of the pressure coming from allies, and the whole world...

    It is a big mistake for the U.S.....Instead of going to Iraq, we could have went to Iran instead...This is my own opinion...  

    Edit: If nothing happen within 2-3 years, I feel sorry for the U.S., the Israelis, and the whole world!!!!!!!!!!!!,by then Iran probably has the NUKE!!!

  14. I know that-(and the world knows) Iranian President has on many occasions said that Israel should be wiped off the face of the earth.BTW- a view of 98% Muslims

    If I am Israeli, I am not going to wait for Iran to make the fist move as that can be disastrous. Israel does not have a choice.

    Even if Iran is stupid enough to to nuke Israel and let us assume they destroy Israel, it will be open season for h**l to break loose and many Muslim countries will be bombed to rubble beyond stone age by the west. In fact it might turn out to be a welcom excuse.

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