
Do you think that Israel will ever attack Iran?

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"U.S. officials say Israel carried out a large military exercise this month that appeared to be a rehearsal for a potential bombing attack on Iran's nuclear facilities, The New York Times reported on Friday."




  1. If the nuclear production by Iran continues, then I believe they will. Israel doesn't put up with c**p and they know they can take Iran if they have to. Iran getting nukes is their doom. If it comes down to preventing that, they certainly will.

  2. Only when they get fed up of the easy target practice unarmed Palestinians make.

  3. Yes, if the USA doesn't do it first. Since good sense seems to be sadly lacking, I would like to remind both Israel and Iran, that any nuclear attack could seriously damage all countries in the Middle East, depending of course, on which way the wind was blowing.  The USA, being so far away, would not be seriously affected, except that they still love their gas guzzlers, and radioactive oil wouldn't be much use to anyone.

  4. Looks like there is a good chance in the not too distant future

  5. That is US wishful thinking!!

  6. They've done it before, they may do it again.


    Life is so simple, but we insist on making it complicated


    551 - 479 BC





  7. Israel has never attacked anyone that hasn`t first attacked Israel ,in fact on many occasions it has refrained from attacking - check out events during Gulf War 1 when it suffered several SCUD attacks from Iraq and chose not to retaliate.

  8. There may come a time when they may have to!

  9. If they did Iran would be obliterated.

  10. If Iran carries on the way they are doing, it is only fair that Israel go and give them a good kicking... please... get those holier than thou hate mongerers and make them eat a bacon sarnie.... mmmmm!

    If they are going to do it, they would be better to go alone.

    The Iranian heirarchy are nutters who have publicly stated their wish to, "wipe Israel from the face of the world"

    At least they, the Israelis, have the balls to carry out their threats... effectively.

    All Iran wants to do is to muddy the waters, and  encourage mozzies to do their dirty work.

    No disrespect to America, but they do go in like John Wayne and his cowboy posse`.

  11. Not without US help...

  12. If they fear that Iran is on the verge of getting the bomb, then I think they will.

  13. Will religion lose its grip on the governments of either countries in our lifetimes?

    Answer that one and you've already got the answer to your question.

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