
Do you think that Jamaica is a poor country?

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when i check the history jamaica export boxite ,sugger,caffe,lime atone, cememt an the list goes on an on.million of daller are made during the exportation of these item,so why the government keep on barrow so mutch moneyan then accumilate so mutch det... you tell ne why




  1. Jamaica is not as desperately poor as some countries, but it still has it's challenges.  There are many poor people in the country.

  2. jamaica is not the poorest country, just like other countries you have poor, middle class and rich people lives there

  3. Mis-management....  When the West Indies Federation broke up, all of the former British Islands decided to choose their own path of development....  All claimed that their path was right and the ones chosen by all the other British isles was wrong...  Then off--- they went doing their own thing.... I think what hurt Jamaica worst was the falling value of the currency...  The leaders never should have listened to the advice of the IMF/World Bank.....  When Jamaica's currency fell like it did it became way too tough for people in the country to buy US stuff because everything is still in US prices but just quoted in Jamaican dollars.....

    Right now US$1=  about JAM$68 that's way------- too weak....

    Also some of the leaders in Jamaica in the past exploited their power by using street gangs to fight their political battles leading to occational poltical violence...  Luckally that culture has gone to the wayside now but things like that really mashup a country too.

  4. heyy bwoi...lehme tell yuh y people doz tink jamaica is poor, is cuz wat they see pun looks so mash up..but naw yo,,,all caribbean country look mash up same way..but i dunno bout ya'll economy...cuz i hear jamaica is nicce, but kinda poor

  5. Jamaica is not really poor,however in terms of development one major reason has to do with our leaders their corruption,greed,selfishness [selfishmess] has left the country yearning for development,in terms of infrastructure and human development.

    Because of these factors Jamaicans have been made to suffer at their expense and the elected so called leaders,its for this reason why so many aspects of social day to day standard of living in some areas seem to be deteriorating physical and in all areas mentally,in morality and respect towards ones self.

    Economically Jamaica is not producing enough, infact if your spending more than what your earning you will have to fill the monetary gap as there are consequencies for not paying your bills on time,especially to those who are only interested in lending and recuperating what they have invested [ rich private banks & clubs].

    For if Janmaicas economy was producing more exports not only in natural,man made materials and finished products coupled with services,but also in techologies and etc; Jamaica would have been far ahead of many of its niehbors in the region,infact Jamaica has only been able to muster growth rates of only 1% round average 10 Yrs,whats 1% growth? when every day prices of commodities world wide are going up! take oil for instance....... Jamaica this year will spend close to 50% or more of its GDP on this vital commodity which would amount to 1.5 or 2 billion US dollars when all is said and done,we need to drop the sellers,and importing mentality an adopt a producing one,and self suffiecient export mentality.

    Jamaica now has a debt close to a  [130% of GNP] 1 trillion Jamaican dollars

    which sucks 65 cents out of every single corprate jamaca or Jamaican who can afford taxes under any Gov, taxes to be repayed for the rest of our lives,depriving us of the necessities we need like education & proper health care.

    Its chilling when you know that 90% of all the containers at the port of Kingston are imports,how then under the sun can a Jamaican Gov,not Borrow to pay our teachers, doctors and any other civill service member.

    Jamaica is not a poor nation interms of resource full people you see them every were every day trying to make a difference,but not afforded that oppertunity to excell to there highest potential,we are just poor in our decision making as a nation in our bie partisan relationship politically,and leaders who will do anything and everything dishonestly to make them selves winners over Jamaica and her people.

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