
Do you think that Kimbo now has a greater respect for MMA after barely winning this past Saturday?

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Post fight? He looked humbled and he should be. Thompson pretty much dominated Kimbo with the exception of getting nailed in the ear. I watched the fight and If Thompson wouldn't have gotten nailed in the ear? Kimbo would have taken a beating.




  1. heeeeeeeeeeellll no

  2. i think he don't think

  3. MMA-mixed martial arts...Kimbo MMA?, MA maybe but the first M is missing...naa, he'll never have the guts to try those ufc warriors!

  4. I think Kimbo is a victim of the hype created around him. it was only his third MMA fight.  I think he showed a lot of heart to be able to come back. i do think the fight was stopped too early, but you can't blame Kimbo for that.

  5. I dont really have a problem with kimbos attitude.  I feel like he respects the sport and his trainers, espicially Bas.  From what i hear he does train extremely hard, and he cant really be held reponsible for the actions of the people and the organization he works for.  He isnt as skilled as really any top guys and is being asked to basically carry the company in a sport hes been participating in for around 2 years.  Hes not out there disrespecting anyone really and just goes out and ris to get the W.

  6. I think he now realizes he is not very good

  7. I think he is now starting to realize all that unorganized street fighting doesn't mean jack in an organized sport, where people actually train and work for achievement.

  8. I think so, so far he's been winning his fights hands down, now he got a good beating against a guy that is not even rated in the MMA world he knows how hard he has to train to even survive.

    The best thing for him now is to train intensively on his stamina because he had the chance to finish Thompson but couldn't cause he gassed.

    Also, on his sprawling cause Thompson is not even a good wrestler and he got Kimbo down considerable amount of times. If he can sprawl and keep it a stand-up game, he can beat most people in his weight division atleast in Elite XC. However, I don't think he can make it anywhere big. Brock Lesnar is a better potential.

  9. If anything Kimbo lost respect and lost respect for MMA. Respect that he never deserved too. He won off of luck and I can guarantee that if he fought anyone with a name behind them then he would lose terribly. Sure Tank was big once, but we all know he is out of shape and had no reason fighting besides money. Kimbo will just fight nobody's or has beens. Him almost losing to Thompson just showed us all that he is an awful fighter who is just banking off of being on the internet.

  10. For MMA fans or regular watcher, NO! For people that just started tuning in and boxing hype fans, probably.

  11. Now that he's been in a real fight, he - and his coaches - have a better understanding of where he is and how far he has to go, which is very far.  I thought he did alright on his feet, but his takedown defense and ground game...

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