
Do you think that Larry Bowa of the Dodgers should be fired for terrible coaching at 3rd base?

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I've witnessed many errors in judgement which has cost the Dodgers. Should they let him go?




  1. Not yet.  Bowa has done an atrocious job at third.  This all began when he had that incident early on in the season fighting over the coaches box.  But lets look at his past.  He has been with Torre for a while, and he did an exceptional job while with the Yankees.  He shouldn't be given much slack, but he should be afforded some leniency because of his previous work.  If he doesn't shape up soon, then by all means, he must be let go!!!

  2. Get rid of him now or the dodgers will definitely lose the west.

  3. He should be put in a small room with Ramirez and told to have at it.

  4. you think larry bowa is bad? you should look at mike quade (3rd base coach cubs). he sends guys home on plays and they get thrown out by 15 feet on average. If it wasn't for the unbelievable team the cubs have this year, he would have gotten fired months ago.

  5. He's the 3rd base coach for cryin' out loud. You hardly ever see base coaches fired.

  6. no

  7. Larry is insane, but good for the game....I say keep him.

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